10 best homoeopathic remedies for piles


Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum. Piles are very similar to varicose veins. It can develop inside the rectum or under the skin around the anus. If piles takes pkace around the anus, it is called external piles. When piles occures inside the rectum, it is known as internal piles.


    • Chronic constipation
    • Chronic diarrhea or dysentery
    • Obesity
    • Pregnancy
    • Eating low fibre foods
    • Lifting heavy objects continuously
    • Straining during bowel movements


    Piles are divided into two types according to their location in the anal region. These are

    1. Internal piles
    2. External piles


    Haemorrhoids or piles is foremost  common condition. Human usually faces piles or haemorrhoids due to his erect postion. Piles is not present in the four legged animals because the veins which drain this part have no valves, so there is always increased pressure and there is tendency to get dilated.

    Any cause leading to increase of pressure in the abdomen will lead to further aggravation of the condition i.e. piles are caused, such conditions are:

    • Tumours in the abdomen
    • Pregnancy
    • Ascites
    • Chronic constipation
    • Chronic urinary obstruction
    • Chronic cough

    They are all contributory factors. Some are due to hereditary defects as congenital weakness of the vessel wall because of this the plexus goes on increasing in size.

    When anything hard passes, it scratche the plexus, and this will cause bleeding piles. With the passing of stools, the plexus comes out and then go in. A time come when they remain out and bleed; this condition is present till pushed in with the fingure.


    Stage I

    There is slight congestion, scratch, hard stool, bleeding in drops with stool.

    Stage II

    Bleeding is profuse; they come out during defaecation, and then automatically go in.

    Stage Ill

    When they come out, they have to be pushed in by the finger.

    Stage IV

    In spite of all that, they remain out, push them in they will again come out.


    Treatment will depend upon as to which stage the patient is in. It is a general principle and is often advised to treat the piles without operation, i.e. with the medicines. Bleeding is temporary in the early stages; when there is not much congestion, treat with medicines. For the first and early stages, no treatment is required; a little laxative may be given.

    Late in the second stage, when there is a big plexus, there is inject some fluid into the piles to block the veins. The fluid consists of 5 % carbolic acid with almond oil.

    In stages 3 and 4, medical treatment may given, but these medicines give only partial relief. So, treatment of choice is to remove the plexus altogether.



    There are a number of conditions which are included in this group; but the commonest conditions are:

    External plexus haemangioma:

    External plexus lies outside the black margin or at the margin of the skin and the anus. There is increase in size or the collection of blood, i.e. congestion of the external plexus and that will lead to external piles. When the patient strains, while passing stool, it forms a rounded cushion like swelling alround. When patient passes stool, it causes the blood to come out, this blood collects and causes swelling. The blood will be bluish in colour. This can occur singularly, i.e. external piles only, or both internal and external piles.

    Acute External plexus Haematoma:

    During straining, lifting of weight and  or passing of hard stool, one of the veins bursts, blood comes out and it forms a small pocket like blackish nodule plus the pain and tenderness over the region. This is an acute attack of the external piles. Acute piles mostly cure itself in a week; blood is absorbed and thus the disease is gone. The best treatment is to take a razzer or sergical blade and cut it, blood will come out and the patient is cured. After that there will be no bleeding.


    It is present as remnant of earlier attack of acute external plexus haematoma or sentinel pile.

    Proctalgia of fugex:

    This is another condition under external piles. In this condition, the cause is not known. The patient complains of pain in anal region and on examination we find no ulceration or swelling or anything else.

    Rectal tabes:

    Cause is not known. It is of nervous origin. The patient complains of spasmodic pain. It is seen in the syphilis of the nervous system.

    The organism responsible for syphilis is spirochaeta pallidum. Under the microscope it is seen against the dark ground illumination. It is present in extensive numbers in chancres, condylomata or other complications of syphilis.



    Aloe Socotrina is a mostly prescribed for external piles. Burning and sharp pains in the anal region consider as the key symtom  of aloe. Patients of aloe feel relief with the application  of cold water. In the same symptoms aloe can also treat anal fissure.


    When patient of piles pass stools and stitching pains araises in the intestines. Think about acid mur if his/her rectum, heamorroids are look blueish and swellon. Rectum is sore, painful and usually comes out (protrude). Feel better if sitting in hot bath tub for a while. Pain worse when passing stool. Also prescribed to those females who piles worsens during menses.


    Piles along with constipation. Stools in collinsonia patient are usually dry and lumpy and passes with strain. Collinsonia also relief atching and burning of piles if constipation presists. A sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum consider best symptom.


    Remember these symtoms:
    • Stool usually dry, very hard and looks knoty.
    • Lumbgo along with piles.
    • Sensation of needle-like wood pieces in rectum.


    A special remedy for bleeding in heamorroids. Use 15 drops of mother tinctuere thtice daily in a cup of water and it will immediately control bleeding as will as brought relief to weekness, sorness and itching.


    Remember these symptoms:
    • Constipation
    • After passing stool, feel that there are some part of stool remaining inside intestines.
    • Constant desire to pass stoools.
    • Straining after passing stools.
    • Burning


    Burning sensation with after passing stool. Pain after stools like knifing or feeling of a sharp splinter of glass in the rectum.


    After childbirth, if piles with constipation occurs. Than use sepia 30 5 drops in a cup of water thtice daily. It will cure piles as well as constipation.


    Sulphur is indicated with following symptoms.

    • Sorness and tenderness in the anus
    • Hard and knoty stools
    • Itching
    • Excessive pain in rectum
    • Biting sensation in the anus


    The persons who suffer from chronic diarrhoea want merc sol if following symptoms are matches:

    • Urgency to pass stools
    • frequency of stool increases at night againest daytime
    • Sore smell with greenesh colour
    • Burning while passing and after passing stools
    • Protrude anus during stools
    • Exhaustion and chilliness with shivering and sweating when passing stools

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