RECTAL PROLAPSE(procidentia of rectum)
Rectal prolapse or procidentia of rectum is a condition during which rectal tissue protrude through the anus to the outwords of the body.
Rectal prolapse may be a condition during which the walls of the rectum protrude through the anus and are visible outside the body.
Rectal prolapse is mostly occurs within the adulthood when the muscles are losing their elasticity.
The rectal procidentia or rectal prolapse is split into three major types:1. PARTIAL RECTAL PROLAPSE
(Partial procidentia of rectum)In case of partial rectal prolapse, the lining of the rectum protrudes out from anus.
The main explanation for partial rectal prolapse is straining during movement, pregnancy, procidentia of uterus or chronic constipation.
In this sort of prolapse, the whole wall of the rectum protrudes out of the anus. Primarily, it's going to often occur during bowel movements. Complete prolapse over time may occur when the patient is standing or walking.3. INTERNAL PROLAPSE
In this sort of prolapse a neighborhood of large intestine or rectum is slides over another part but does not protrude out of anus. This condition is additionally referred to as intussusception.CAUSES OF RECTAL PROLAPSE
If the muscles of the rectum become weak, it's going to cause rectal prolapse.The increased pressure on intestine thanks to:
- Chronic constipation
- Chronic diarrhea
- Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Pregnancy
- Chronic dysentery
- Chronic cough
(like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) can also cause rectal procidentia.
Straining during defecation, cough, haemorrhoids and therefore the stress of childbirth also causes rectal prolapse. Sometimes the paralysis of the Spincter muscles or weakness of Spincter muscles thanks to increasing age is additionally causing rectal prolapse.
- Mucus discharge from the protruding tissue and sometimes bleeding.
- Itching, irritation, and pain within the anal region and also during bowel movements.
- Involuntary movements within the bowl region.
- Feels that the bowl isn't fully evacuated.
The procidentia of rectum may cause sever infections with fever. Bleeding is additionally another complication in prolapse. Bleeding can cause anemia. The prolapse can also effect on bladder. A pregnant woman could be loss it's baby. Both male and femle may have disturbed sexual functions. Constipation and outlet obstruction are another complications of procidentia of rectum.DIAGNOSIS OF RECTAL PROLAPSE
The best thanks to diagnosis rectal prolapse is- Physical examination
- Colonoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Barium enema
1. Be aware of constipation.
2. Use stool softeners/lexatives.
3. Avoid meat and fats.
4. Always eat high fiber diet.
5. Avoid straining when you're moving.
6. Kegel exercises.
Now I am going to share with you many best homoeopathic remedies used mostly for the treatment of rectal prolapse.
Podophyllum is using when Rectal prolapse occurs during passing stool. This is mostly prescribed to children for prolapse ani however, in elder people is also indicated. Symptoms of podophyllum are:- Rectal prolapse either before or during the passing of stool
- Sore pain inside the anus
- History of chronic constipation is existed
- Weakness inside the abdomen and anus
- Anxiety because of the pain inside the anus
- Acute prolapse due to diarrhoea or dysentery.
Ignatia is additionally a very good remedy for prolapsed rectum. This remedy is knowing for its opposite attitude.- Hard stool pass easily but soft stool causes pain
- Pain is sharp and shooting like
- Pain and other symptoms worse at morning, after eating, with warmth and after passing stools
- The pain moderated or absent when the patient is during a sitting position
- Best remedy for children if protruding from the rectum into the anus
Aesculus hippocastinum
Aesculus is a will known homoeopathic remedy for piles. If the patient has risk of procidentia, he will feel pain and sensation like sticks are in the anus. Aesculus is often advisable for female affected from rectal prolapse along with menopausal or before menopausal period. Aesculus is best remedy for those persons who gave history of chronic haemorrhoids associate with constipation and lumbago.Hydrastis canadensis
The key symptoms of Hydrastis are:Too much swelling within the anal region
Too much burning within the anus when passing stool
Pain begins when stool passing is ended and pain stands for long time
Hydrastis works alright in children. The patient is constipated and feel pains when passing stool. If there's fissure within the anus, than also believe Hydrastis.
Ruta Graveolens
Ruta could even be particularly prescribed in cases which occur because of complications after childbirth. This remedy is prescribed when procidentia occur if tryout to bend himself or stoop ahead. Winters are the worst time for the patients because the pains become unbearable.Other symptoms are:
- The patient is often constipated and can only passes stool with great straining and difficulty
- Sitting is very difficult because it brings pain
- A little part of the rectum comes down when the stools are passed
Some other remedies are
- Aloe
- Ferrum met
- Phosphorus
- Nux Vomica
- Sulphur
- Etc.....