
About fixfever.blogspot.com


I am Dr. Asad khan. I am a blogger, teacher  and Homoeopathic pracitioner. 

I am a Homeopathic Doctor and complete my D.H.M.S in 2013. I work with many hospitals and clinics during my internship.  I am certified "bio" and "materia medica" teacher. 

Now I am practicing in my own clinic and want to help other Homoeopathic students to become successful practitioners. If you are interested in gaining some medical knowledge for your health and fitness, follow "fixfever.blogspot.com.

On the "fixfever", you will find information for your health. These information are designed very simple. So, Homoeopathic pracitioners and a non-medical person will equally satisfied from my articles. You’ll also find a few posts about my personal clinical experiences.

What "fixfever" can do for you:

"Fixfever" offer distinct and valuable studies (articles, materia medica, biochemistry, etc.) that will help relieve your stress.

– "Articals" in the main menu provide information about diseases.

– "Materia medica" explains every homoeopathic remedy with its clean and clear symptoms in a full detail.

–"Biochemistry" provide answer of every question belong to Biochemic therapy.

Meet me on youtube 

My official youtube chanel named "the clinic of biochemistry" is updating every week. You will subscribe me from here. 

Follow me on Facebook . Click here

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