Common cold causes and treatment



Common cold is an ordinary disease of upper respiratory tract. It is genuinely, a viral infectionRhinoviruses is mostly responsible for common cold infection. It is an acute inflammatory condition. Most patients recover in two to 15 days without using any medicine. This is why common cold consider harmless. Younger than 6 year and old aged people have high risk of colds. A  healthy adult can also expect to have two or five colds annually. The signs and symptoms of common cold are similar in adults and children.

Common cold causes and treatment


symptoms of common cold mostly arise one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person and can include:
  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Pain in the root of the nose
  • Cough
  • Congestion
  • Body aches 
  • Sneezing
  • Low or high grade fever
  • Weakness

At the beginning, nasal discharge may become thicker and yellow or green in color as a common cold runs, symptoms become chronic if not treated carefully.


Common cold is a viral infection. There are several types of viruses that cause colds but rhinoviruses is most common than others. A cold virus primarily enters the body through mouth, eyes or nose. The virus can also spread through:

  1. Beads within the air when somebody who is coughs, sniffles or talks.
  2. hand-to-hand contact.
  3. Sharing contaminated objects, such as handkerchief, towel, or mobile phone.
  4. In the event that somebody touches eyes, nose or mouth after such contact or presentation, they have a tall hazard of common cold.


Common cold is not dangerous itself but sometimes many additional or cooprative symptoms or diseases make it more complicated. Following are some factors that can boost up your chances of getting common colds:


Younger than 6 year and old people have  greatest risk of common colds, especially if they do not follow hygiene.


Viral and bacterial infections causes pneumonia, pharyngitis, bronchitis and croup cough. These all have a close relationship with common cold.

Weak immunity

Many people have chronic illness which make their immunity weak. The weak immune system is an easy target of viral infections which may causes cmmon cold.


Smoking may weak respiratory Organs.  It also decrease the efficiency of sensation nervous present in respiratory system. This is why the smokers face respiratory diseases including common cold.


Youths and grown-ups both are more susceptible to colds in drop and winter.

Otitis media

Otitis media or Ear acute infection occurs due to bacteria and viruses. They enter the space behind the eardrum. Symptoms of otitis media include earaches and in some cases otitis media encourages common cold.


Is preventation possible from common cold?
Off course yes. Prevention is the best way to save yourself. Because there is no vaccine for the common cold. You may follow these rules.

  1. Use tissues or handkerchief during sneeze and cough. Sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow when you don't have a handkerchief or tissue. That way you can cover your mouth without using your hands.
  2. Wash your hands with soap. You can also use alcohol-based hand wash or senitizer. 
  3. Wash your children's toys regularly.
  4. Maintain a strategic distance from anybody who features a cold.
  5. Do not share your personal items with others if you have cold symptoms such as towel, handkerchief, glass etc.



Aconite is only useful for primary period of colds. This is often begin due dry cold air. Patient feels nose dry, if any discharge exposed from nose, than prescribe another remedy.


Allium cepa is actually onion. The main symptoms for cold is profuse, runny,  burning nasal discharge which is worse in a warm room and better in open air. Burning release from nose but abundant and non- burning tears from eyes. He has red eyes and since of rub them. Crude feeling in nose with a shivering sensation and sniffling. Cold with congestive headache in the front part of the head.


This remedy is prescribed if following symptoms occurs:

  • Dryness of the mouth that causes a great thirst but for only sips of water at a time.
  • Burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils and upper lip. 
  • Cold starting from nose and moves down to the throat.
  • Chilly and are sensitive to cold air and may often sneeze from any change in temperature.


Do you experience sudden stopping of nasal discharge? What happened after? If nasal discharge obstructed, it is replaced by cough usually dry with throbbing headache and high grade fever. At this occasion, Belladonna will be your best friend. It fix headache and fever and nasal discharge will be continuouing once again. Belladonna is also prescribed for all types of dry colds.


  • Little or no any nasal discharge
  • Headache
  • Mouth and throat dry
  • Extreme thirst. Drink large amounts of water.
  • Feels worse in warm room.
  • Symptoms especially headache worse with movement.
  • Weakness
  • Body aches


This remedy is indicated for persons who have fair skinned and pudgy with poor muscle tone. They are often chilly and very sensitive to cold things, though they prefer to drink ice drinks. They may develop their cold after being chilled. A sour odor is present always in their sweat, breathe and stools.


The key symtom of Euphrasia have abundant burning tears from the eyes and a dull (non-burning) nasal release. All indications more regrettable within the open air. Nasal release frequently Co-existing with sniffling which more awful at night, when lay down and in windy climate. After 48 hours the nasal discharge move to the throat and causes cough, it worse during the day but ameliorated by lying down.


Ferrum Phos is the first stage anti inflammatory medicine. It can fix all first stage anti inflammatory disorders including common colds. Very effective for bloody nasal discharge and epistaxis.


Gelsemium is fit for the colds of warm weather. He has body aches, fever, general fatigue, headache and sometimes a sore throat, Co-existing with watery nasal discharge, sneezing and fullness at the root of the nose. Thirst  is absent.


If someone is hyper sensetive to cold he will be cured by Hepar sulph. Colds with sneezing and coughing which increase by cold air. If he warm, he will be set. But a little wave of cold e.g. hand or feet come out of  pad or blanket. The sneezing and coughing will be start. The nasal discharge is thick and yellow. His nostrils and the bones of the nose are very sore. The nasal passages are sensitive to cold air. Typically, sensitive to touch and are generally irritable.


Kali bichrom is equally famous for acute and chronic colds. The key symptom of kali bichrom is stringy, ropy, yellow mucus. If the nasal discharge thick or watery, avoid this medicine. Patient may feel pain at the root of the nose which is better from applying pressure there. Symptoms worse due to cold and in open air include nasal discharge and sneezing.  Throat also inflamed which is relieved by warm liquids.


Our table salt chemically known as NACL or sodium chloride is an effective homoeopathic medicine for common colds. This remedy is most often given if: 
  • Experiences frequent sneezing and a profuse watery discharge from the nose and eyes.
  • Loss of taste and smell. 
  • Nasal discharge may lead to a state of chronic nasal congestion and thick white mucus. 
  • Lips become cracked and dry.
  • Symptoms are worse in the morning, this time patient usually hawk up much mucus.


Nux vomica works better when cold becomes after over-eating rich food or after  mental and emotional stress. The nose alternates between having a runny discharge and being dry and blocked. The discharge is mostly runny during daytime and stopped at night. If someone use allopathic and herbal medicines but their symptoms become more aggressive, Nux vomica control their cold.


This remedy is given to those who experience either acute or chronic colds. Key symptoms are:

  • Despite having a dry mouth but they are thirstless.
  • Symptoms worse in warm room and feel better in the open air. Children and youngsters are moody and weep easily
  • People who develop their cold after eating  fatty or rich foods
  • Thick, yellow or greenish mucus, and a bland discharge. Bland means discharge that does not irritate or burn the nostrils or facial skin. 
  • Nasal congestion that is worse at night, especially upon lying down, which leads to mouth breathing during sleep. 
  • Nasal congestion tends to alternate sides.


Kali sulph is the third stage anti inflammatory homoeopathic medicine. It is mostly used in chronic colds and infections. Patient feel better in the open air. Nasal discharge is thick white or greenish.

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