Mumps, vaccine, causes and treatment


Mumps may be a contagious infection of the salivary glands that's caused by an epidemic called "Mumps orthorubula virus". Mumps often starts with a couple of days of fever with headache and muscle aches. Patient feels tiredness, and he loss his appetite. While most of the people will have swelling of their salivary glands. This is often what causes the puffy cheeks and a young, swollen jaw.

    The swelling are often on one or each side of the face. The duration of mumps infection is normally  last one week or two. However, dangerous or life threatening cases are very limited.

    The mumps patient is very contagious 1 or 2 days before the aggression and for a week after the sickness. During this point, it's important to undertake to stop spreading the pumps patients from others. When a person got mumps, he or she may develop immunity against this infection for life time.

    Mumps, vaccine, causes and treatment


    Mumps is caused by an epidemic called orthorubulavirus (MuV). The virus is belong the family of the Paramyxoviridae. Orthorubulavirus and other Paramyxoviridae are enveloped, non segmented and negative sense RNA viruses.


    A person who infected from mumps is easily recognized from his puffy cheeks and swollen jaw. These swellings are because of infected salivary glands lower the ears on one or both sides, usually  called parotitis.

    Other symptoms which may begin a couple of days before parotitis include:

    1. Low grade fever and sometime high fever
    2. Headache
    3. Muscle aches
    4. Tiredness
    5. Loss of appetite
    6. Fatigue

    The most complicated symptoms are:

    1. Deafness
    2. Meningitis ( The swelling of tissues that cover brain and spinal cord)
    3. Pancreatitis
    4. Swelling of testicles (Orchitis) in male
    5. Swelling of ovaries in female (Oophoritis) 
    6. Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)

    Symptoms usually arise between 15 to 18 days after infection. Many patients who infected by mumps have very moderate or mild symptoms, or not any symptoms if he or she has a good immunity and balanced diet. Majority of patients recover from mumps totally within two weeks.

    Mumpr virus (orthorubula virus)
    Orthorubula virus 


    Mumps Virus may everywhere around us, so don' t forget to vaccinate your children. The virus also transfer from contaminated objects like towel, bed sheet, clothes etc.


    Mumps vaccines are referred to as:

    1. MMR (measles, mumps and rubella vaccine)
    2. MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella and varicella)

    Vaccine is that the best thanks to prevent the disease. MMR is given between 12 to fifteen months old and MMRV vaccine given between the age 4 to six. Some people experience a light fever, rash and achy joints for a brief time after vaccination.


    First of all increase your fluid intakes because a mumps patient may find it rather difficult to chew thanks to the swelling of a number of the parts of his face, so you would possibly want to offer the patient a pap. This might contains oatmeal, rice and juices etc. Always avoid citrus foods and fruits like pickle, tomato, vinegar, lemon etc. Because once you have mumps. These usually aggravate the matter. Fish oil capsules may help to scale back inflammation and boost your immunity.



    Homoeopathy treat mumps during a very short duration if the remedy is prescribed consistent with the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann' s guideline. Here are some homeopathic remedies with there symptoms.

    Parataidenium 30

    Use as preventative medicine. It also can used after infection as an antiviral complimentary medicine with other remedies.

    Aconitum napellus 30, 200

    Aconite is beneficial at the first beginning stages of mumps, the symptoms are sudden onset of fever, great restlessness, anxiety, and great thirst.

    Belladonna 30, 200, 1000

    Red and flushed face with throbbing headache. If touch the swollen glands that feels hot. The patient is drowsy anytime but haven't any sleep.

    Ferrum Phos 6x, 30, 200

    It is the primary stage anti-inflammatory medicine work as same as paracetamol and other conventional anti-inflammatory medicines.

    Apis mellifica 30, 200, 1000

    Swelling with pain sort of a sting bite. xerostomia but don't feel thirst.

    Phytolacca decendra 30

    Phytolacca used when glands become harder the maximum amount as stone. It considered best for its effects on right side. The throat pains may reach the ear, and that they may have an irresistable desire to bite their teeth together. one among their characteristic symptom is tend to be worse in cold or wet weather.

    Rhus tox 30, 200, 1000

    Rhus tox patient have swollen glands which are worse on the left side. Their symptoms are aggravated by cold, and that they may have cold sores on their lips.

    Meg phos 6×, 12×, 30, 200

    Jaws are fully jammed, worse with chewing or the other movement.

    Merc sol 30, 200

    Merc sol is documented for right sided swelling of throat glands. Other symptoms are profuse and offensive salivation and perspiration.

    Pulsatilla 30, 200

    The patient in Pulsatilla is thirstless, despite having a fever, and is sensitive to warm rooms. This medicine is approaching puberty who get the mumps and knowledge swollen breasts or testicles.


    If the symptoms aren't clear, than Belladona 30 and merc sol 30 are often use regularly.

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