How to get rid of headache


    Pain or stress in the head is known as headache. It is a major health problem of all times. Headache itself is not a diseases, however, sometimes appear as a symptom of a diseases. You may consider it as a warning for:
    • Stress level has risen high e.g tension, depression.
    • Need change perhaps to rest.
    • Face an emotional stress. 
    • Unexpected changes in diet. 
    • Fix a problem in your environment at home or workplace.


    All of us have some “weak links” parts of the body. For example you are sensetive from cold, your cousin have indigestion and many of your relatives face psychological stress. These all causes have the ability to  create pressure on Nervous system, which is immediately or far after appear as a  headache.

    How to get rid of headache with homoeopathic medicines


    Neurologists classify headache concurring to the quick cause of difficult incitement of nerve endings. These may include:

    1. Tension headache or Muscle-contraction headaches
    2. Migraine 
    3. Inflammatory headache
    4. Headaches caused by structural conditions

    Tension Headaches or Muscle-Contraction 

    Every human either male or female, elder or younger face muscle-contraction headache, we also call it tension headache. Tension headache attacke if we face:

    • Emotional stress
    • Burden of work e.g in students, offices
    • Being stuck in traffic jam
    • Extremes of heat or cold
    • Due to hunger
    • Loss of sleep
    • Etc.

    Symptoms of tension headache

    The pain of a muscle contraction headache arises from tightening of the muscles of the upper back, neck, and scalp, and this may result from any type of stress, whether physical or emotional.

    Is tension headache harmful?

    Off course not, Tension headache is not harmful itself. This is usually a temporary condition and immediately relieved by pain killers and anti-inflammatory  medicines, rest or remove the reason by which it was begun.



    Muscle-contraction or tension headache are usually easy to treat at home. Just take a break from the stress that lead to the headache and

    1. Do some rest. 
    2. Rub gently the sore neck muscles.

    If the cerebral pain doesn't feel releif to these straight forward measures, attempt a homeopathic medicine.


    Because they helping the body restore order and balance without any side effects associated with standard painkillers such as Aspirin and paracetamol etc.


    Recognize the causes that bring tension headache and then try to avoid them. Like poor posture, uncomfortable clothing, or unpleasant environmental conditions, room temperature, irritating noise. Also recognize what your habits are cause tension and straining, such as the way you sit at your desk, hold the mobile.

    Headache immediately comes from emotional stress, so get out of these situation for some munites, do a few exercise to assist discharge put away pressure, meditate, supplicate, or do anything you discover relaxing.

    Do not drive or travel if you feel headache is begin or the symptoms of headache appear.

    Homeopathic Medicines for Headaches of All Types

    Yes, it is true to select a pertinent homeopathic medicine for headache is exceptionally difficult. Case taking is very different and complicated knowledge. So, it is better to visit your nearest Homeopathic physician. The best way to select remedy is general symptoms. General symptoms are  best guide in prescribtion of medicine. Use only the strongest, clear and definit headache symptoms in your case analysis, and compare them to the symptoms with other medicines also.

    Donate the medication up to each two hours; once improvement starts, repeat as it were when indications are more regrettable once more or advancement has ceased for an hour or so.

    When to try another medicine

    In the event that the effects are no way better after two or three dosages of the primary medication you try.


    Aconite is the remedy of acute headache. If someone face dry cold weather, he has chance of headache. Usually this type of headache appear with irritability. Patient is restless. Tells his or her time of death. Eyes are burning but completely dry.


    Belladonna prescribed for headache with following symptoms.
    • Headache begin often suddenly with high grade fever.
    • Headache begin from forehead and expand to back of the head.
    • Seriously with savage throbbing pains. 
    • Extreme affectability to light, noise, touch and movement.
    • Face feels hot and looks red but if you touch the hands and feet, they feel cold.
    • Pain worse due to movement.


    Bryonia is usually prescribed when the symptoms of the headache is aggravation with motion. Some other medicines also have this symptom such as belladonna and Ferrum Phos but for the Bryonia patient, however, this is the outstanding symptom. A very slight motion of the head or eyes worsens the pain. The pain is also worse by slight touch, however made better by the pressure. Headache is often worse in the morning. Headache begin immediately upon waking, it is just as likely to come on only after the person first moves in bed or after he leave the bed. Headache due to liver disfunction can cure with Bryonia. Constipation if cause headache with extreme thirst for water, he drink water after an hour a half. The patient is very irritable and want to be alone.


    Iris vers is best known for its beneficial effects on headache as will as on migraine. Pain in one side of the forehead, mostly at the right. Migraine that come on at regular intervals with confirmatory symptoms. Cerebral pain pre-exist or went with by obscurity of vision or other visual changes. Nausea and vomiting taking after the headache. Pain more awful after vomiting. Ameliorate by walking within the open air. Headache in moving vehicles, train etc cause headache.


    Nux vomica fix following headache.
    • Headache of irritable people.
    • Headache brought on overeating.
    • Headache brought on consumption of alcohol or other drugs including medicinal drugs.
    • Staying up too late on bed or missing sleep. 
    • Headache brought on by concentrated or mental work.
    • By cold air or cold wind.
    • The patient have a sour or bitter taste in the mouth at morning, queasiness, nausea or vomiting. It means he has great digestive upsets.


    Headache which has a close relation with digestive system e.g headache due to indigestion or heavy food. De-oxygenation in moving vehicles, rooms, offices or sometimes without any reason  de- oxygenation cause heaviness in head.


    The headache in Pulsatilla has a close relation with digestive problems. Headache begin after meals if eating warm, fatty or rich food.
    Another one reason of headache is disturbance of menstrual period. Before, during or end of menses, at any stage headache can be begin. Like Sanguinaria, headache start from one side and change its location frequently. 
    • Headache worse with agile movement while releif during gentle movement especially walking.
    • All types of symptoms including headache relieved in open air.
    • Headache worse afternoon.  
    • Emotional and very sensitive for weeping.


    • Headaches generally begin at the back of the head and slowly extending to the rest of the head or to the forehead. 
    • Feel as same as band or hood were bound tightly around their head. 
    • Muscle-contraction headaches.  
    • Suit for headache preceded by dimness of vision or other visual disturbances.
    • Feel pain in one side of the forehead, particularly the right side.
    • Headache is worse after the vomiting and better by walking in the open air.
    • Environmental factors such as light and noise aggravate headache.
    • Patient is particularly irritable but wants to be left alone.


    Sanguinaria is best known for its right side symptoms including headache. Pain begin from back side of the head but settle or expand into front or over the right eye. There are a large number of medicines that cover the right sided headache such as Lycopodium, Gelsemium, iris tanex, but Sanguinaria will always on the top. The pain  feels sharp and knifing. Feel better after vomiting and aggravate with movement. For right side migraine, this is an excellent remedy. 


    Spigelia is the remedy of left side headache usually on the frontal part of the head. It is prescribed if headache has stitching, burning and pulsating.

    Headache is worse by warmth and better by cold but temporarily. For example, if you wash head with cold water during headache, you will feel better until you are doing it, but if you finish, headache worse once again. 
    If stiffness in neck and  shoulders (especially at left side) accompany the headache and any movement make it more desperate, you may need Spigelia.

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