Pneumonia, causes and treatment

 What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a respiratory infection. It is led by inflammation in the Alveoli or air sacs of the lungs. These alveoli are filled by fluid or puss that makes breathing heavy. It is mostly caused by  virus but many types Fungi and bacteria also causes pneumonia. Pneumonia can range out as a general rule from mild to life threatening. It is more common and prevalent in newborns and small children but older people also have a risk of pneumonia due to weak immune system.


The symptoms of Pneumonia depends upon the germ which causes the infection. However, it might include:

  • Pain in chest while coughing and even breathing
  • High grade fever with Rapid pulse
  • Headache
  • Fatigue, Nausea, Vomiting
  • Extreme Tiredness
  • Joints and muscular pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sweating, shivering and shaking chills
  • Skin, lips or fingertips that look blue
  • Feeling confused and disorientated, particularly in elderly people

Pneumonia, causes and treatment

Children especially newborns and babies cannot tell there symptoms, so it is difficult to suggest a relevant homoeopathic medicine for them. On the other hand their physical symptoms e.g  they may vomit, have a fever and appear to be anxious or tired are a guideline. People aged above 60 or with weak immunity may be perplexed by many conflicting situations or have changes in mental health. They may have a lower-than-normal internal heat level are affected.


The main causes of Pneumonia can be:

  1. Different viruses
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungi 
and some other germs.

These germs can also be spread while sneezing, coughing, contaminated items e.g towel, clothes or environment contaminated germ. Most prevalent of them are:


The most familiar reason of pneumonia is a bacteria named Streptococcus pneumonia
Streptococci has the ability to affect a child or elder if their immunity becomes at very low grade as we see commonly in the infections, some kinds of sickness and during a poor nourishment or disabled in susceptibility.

Streptococcal or bacterial pneumonia may influence all ages include children, young and elders. However, those people are at most degree of risk if they are

  • Chain smokers
  • Misuse of liquor
  • Crippled (disability of legs or feet)
  • After surgery 
  • Along with Respiratory disorders
  • Along with Viral diseases

The following bacteria can also causes pneumonia. 

Legionella pneumophila

Is is motile, aerobic, rod-shaped Gram-negative bacterium that causes pneumonia, other chest infections and Legionnaires disease.

Mycoplasma pneumonia

A tinny parasitic bacteria that have no a cell walls and can survive without oxygen can bring pneumonia and urinary tract infections.

Haemophilus influenzae

They can bring pneumonia, influenza and other respiratory infections.


It is the milder to moderate type of pneumonia and can be cured in a week or two, for example

  • flu virus 
  • RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
  • Rhinoviruses (the virus of common cold)


Fungal pneumonia is most serious and dangerous type of pneumonia. People  who’ s immune system is suppressed by long term use of different medicines. Other examples are

  • Coccidioidomycosis
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Cryptococcus


There are various factors that participate in  getting a severe attack of pneumonia, e.g 

  • Age
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Environment
  • Other conditions

How is age contribute to become sick?

Children less than 5 are in risk to get pneumonia and other infections because their immunity system is still in the process of developing. As well as people with age 60 and above' s immune system usually moving towards the aging process.


Smoking and consumption of Alcohol are consider as essential fashion in modern lifestyle, but it is not good for your immune system.

Environmental factors

Air pollution, chemicals and other toxic fumes also contribute to spread diseases.

Other conditions

Such as 
  • Poor nourishment
  • Long term use of medicines
  • Recovery from flue or cough, any lung disease


Pneumonia is catogrized on the base of it's halt and source.

1. CAP (Community-acquired pneumonia)

CAP usually occurs outside hospitals and medical centers.

2. HAP (Hospital-acquired pneumonia)

HAP is acquired during the stay in hospital for the treatment of any disease. HAP is consider more dangerous then CAP. Because there are more germs in hospitals.

3. VAP (Ventilator-associated pneumonia)

People on Ventilators typically effected by VAP.

4. AP (Aspiration pneumonia)

The source of Aspiration pneumonia is:
Inhale of contaminated food and drinks.
Germs reaches into your lungs
But this type of pneumonia is not a serious type of disease.


A physician will get some information about side effects and clinical history and can do a physical assessment. On the off chance that you simply have mild side effects, your doctor may recommend blood tests or a chest X- ray. On the opposite side if you've got serious symptoms, and you're 65 or more (or a baby or small kid), your Consultant should test some of your exerts.  Some of the tests are mentioned below.

1. Chest X-ray

X- ray enables your doctor to look for indications of irritation in your chest. If you've got inflammation, it can indicate your consultant about its area and degree.

2. Blood culture

It determines whether your germs have spread to your bloodstream.

3. Sputum culture

A sample of your spit or phlegm is collected within the results of your deep cough and is shipped for observation. It determines the explanation for pneumonia.

4. CT scan

A sharp imaging procedure to see what proportion of the lungs is affected.

5. Bronchoscopy

A fine, adaptable, and lightweight pipe called a bronchoscope is passed down into the lungs. This empowers the physican to research directly the affected pieces of the broncal routes and lungs. The patient is under sedative.


Homeopathy is one among the foremost well-known comprehensive system of medication. The selection of homeopathic medication for pneumonia depends on the hypothesis of individualization and side effects by utilizing comprehensive methodology.

This is the most path through which a condition of complete wellbeing are often recovered by evacuating all the sign and side effects from which the patient is enduring. Undoubtedly, a couple of cures are accessible to treat pneumonia which will be chosen supported cause, impact and manner of the ailment. For individualized cure choice and treatment, the patient need to counsel a licensed homeopathic physician face to face.

There are following homeopathic medication for pneumonia which are useful within the treatment of pneumonia:

1. Bryonia Alba

The key symtom of Bryonia is worse in pain due to movement. It is right sided remedy. Cough always dry and painful. Hold his chest or ribcage when coughing, because cough bring movement in the chest and movement is terrible for Bryonia patient. Stitching and sharp aches in the chest usually at right side. Fever along with chills. 

2. Arsenic Album

Shortness of breath with extreme thirst for water but only a sip, this is the key symptom of Arsenic Album. Cough with phlegm. Suffocation when lying down or during sleep. Pain in upper parts of right lungs indicates the need of Arsenic Album.

3. Phosphorus

Pneumonia or other respiratory infections with Chest Oppression wants phosphorus.
The patient feel heaviness in chest with extreme thirst (for cold) plenty of water. Bloody phlegm is also a key symptom.

4. Antimonium Tart

This remedy is indicated for pneumonia if there is an over the top shaking of Mucus feel in the chest. Both lungs are filled with phlegm and patient feel difficulty  in discharge of phlegm. Shortness of breathing. It is the remedy of last stage of pneumonia.

5. Hepar Sulph

For Purulent Sputum and for the persons who are extremely sensitive of cold, even slight blow can lead to lose cough. Feel tightness in the chest.

6. Ipecac

The key symtom of Ipecac is continuous Nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms are cough, suffocation and shortness of breath as we see in Asthma. Mucus is white and comes out easily from nose and mouth. Helpful for children.

7. Causticum

Raw feeling in throat and sore throat is the key symptom in casticum. This remedy is prescribed for deep, tough and tightening cough. Fever along with chills. Patient say the "mucus is stuck in the throat and upper chest and he wanted to discharge it".

8. Pulsatilla Nigria

Suitable for stifling and choking that raises thick yellow phlegm. Aggravation in warm rooms and feel better in open air. Helpful for children.

9. Kali bichrom

Stingy, clingy and ropy phlegm is the famous symptom of kali bichrom. If the phlegm is thick than avoid this medicine. Metallic, bold, hacking hack  phlegm that begins with an inconveniently tickling in the upper air ways and raises strings of clingy yellow phlegm can demonstrate this cure. Feeling of frigidity inside the chest. Pain may occur behind the breastbone that extends to shoulder. Breathing may make a shaking sound. Symptoms are more terrible in the morning time, after eating or drinking and feel best lying in bed and keeping warm.

10. Sanguinaria

Sharp, staying pain more on the right side, dyspnoea, and the expectoration is rust-hued. It has encompassed redness and consuming warmth of the cheeks, particularly toward the evening. The hands and feet are either hot or freezing, the heart is powerless and unpredictable, there is incredible engorgement of the lungs and the congestion is exceptional.

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