Be aware of constipation


    Constipation may be a condition that nearly everyone faces through it at some point in life. During constipation, the stool become hard, dry or lumpy. The patient visits wash room less than normal. Estimated but three bowel movements every week. Thanks to hardness and dryness stools are difficult and painful to pass and sometimes feeling that each one stool has not passed. Below is that the statement from encyclopaedia Britannica "Constipation is delayed passage of stools through the subordinate part of the large intestine, with the probable discharge of faeces surely dry, hard faeces from the among the causes cited for the disorder are lack of regularity in one’s eating habits, spasms of the massive intestine, metabolic diseases such as hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus, neurological disorders like a stroke, certain medicines counting morphine, codeine, antidepressants, and antispasmodics, need of adequate fiber in one’s nourishment, and over the top utilize of diuretics.

    Constipation can moreover be caused by intestinal hindrance by tumors or polyps or by shortcoming of the stomach muscles.
    Temporary constipation most frequently occurs in conjunction with a change or interruption in one’s usual activities, behavior, lifestyle, traveling ,freedom of rest or missing the normal routine of eating food and rest habits. In a big amount of cases, change in food, daily routine and lifestyle helps cure constipation.


    Why Does constipation happen?

    Constipation happens because of your:


    Diet like lack of fibers and overuse of dairy products, fats and nutriment. Lack of fibre in diet also causes constipation. 


    Drink 8 to 12 glass of water and other fluids in 24 hours. Fiber and water work together to stay your digestion regular and prevent from constipation. 


    Lazy lifestyle e.g we see within the modren era. Office and factory workers haven't any time for exercise and other pyhsical activites. Do something active for a minimum of half-hour each day or most days of the week for instance walk, gym or any sport like cricket and foot ball. 


    Ignoring or delaying of passing stools is not good. As you avoid and waste the time, your stool become hard and dry. It will be more irritable during empty your bowel. 


    During pregnancy constipation is very common. Uterus become enlarged thanks to fetus and pressurise the rectum. This type of constipation ended 6 weeks after parturition, But affects approximately 50% of pregnant women. Hormonal changes during pregnancy also cause sluggish bowel movements.


    Medicines like Diclofenic sodium, Codeine, Tramadol, and lots of antacids contains calcium or aluminum, iron pills and narcotics also causes constipation. 


    Mental stress causes harmonal imbalance which makes slow bowel movements.


    The thyroid is situated at the front of the neck. It secretes a hormone called thy THYROXIN. This hormone contribute in metabolism. The under active thyroid or hypothyroidism may be a common medical condition which will cause constipation. Weight gain, tiredness, cold intolerance, depression, and hair loss are the opposite symptoms of hypothyroidism


    Travelers often face the experience of poor toilet routine. So, constipation is common when someone travelling long distances. Changes in routine, dehydration, and stress related to traveling are the most causes.


    IBS or irritable bowel syndrome may be a typical mode of condition that affects one adult each in five. There are three types; constipation predominant, diarrhea-predominant, and constipation alternating with diarrhea. IBS is consider as a common bowel infection that brought stoppage, loose bowels, and stomach torment. The bulk of individuals with IBS complaint movement immediately after eating. This condition is additionally referred to as irritable bowel syndrome or irritable colon.


    Laxatives are medicines that help relieve constipation. Some people use laxatives with none clear indications. This type of laxative abuse can make the bowels ineffective. The ineffective bowels can’t contract properly. That creates the buildup of stools within the bowel. So, due to a regular usage of  laxatives and stool softeners, you've got constipation.
    Problems with the nerves and muscles, colon cancer, neurological conditions like paralysis also are causes of constipation. 


    • Increase water and fluid intakes. 
    • Try warm liquids, especially within the morning.
    • Add fruits, vegetables and cereals into your diet they need fibers which are natural stool softners. 
    • Exercise or walk 7 days of week. once you move your body, the muscles in your intestines are more active, too.
    • Don' t delay if you are feeling the urge to stool.
    • Keep to a daily time and place and provides yourself many time to use the wash room. 

    Homeopathic  Medicines for constipation 

    1.BRYONIA ALBA 6, 30, 200

    Stool is just too hard, black and dry. Thirsty, drink plenty of water and fluids after an hour or two.

    2. ALUMINA 30, 200

    Any paralytic condition during which stool cannot exits easily from bowls. Even it'll soft

    3. Nux vomica 30, 200

    Feels that the bowls aren't completely empty when he or she was left toilet.

    4. ALUMEN 30

    Babies who prey on the powder milk and can't feed by mother.

    5. ASAFOETIDA 30

    Constipation with flatulency and hysteria.

    6. ANTUM CRUD 30,200

    White tongue. Constipation alternate with diarrhoea. Common in over aged people. Chronic constipation

    7. CHALIDONIUM Q, 30, 200

    Constipation due liver or gall bladder disorders.


    Constipation that belong to liver disfunction. Suitable in old ages.

    Plumbem met, 30, Hydrastis Q, Veratrum album 30, 200, Silicea 6x, 12x, 30 and Natrum Mur 30 etc also are using in constipation consistent with their symptoms.

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