Medical terminology

Terms uses in anatomy
Mumps (infection)


1. itis
The suffix " itis" Meaning the inflammation e.g appendicitis, tonsillitis etc.

2. ectomy
The suffix "ectomy" Meaning the removal from the body. e.g Appendicectomy, tonsillectomy etc.

3. otomy
The suffix "otomy" meaning to open and then closed a hollow organ of the body e.g laparotomy, hystrotomy etc.

4. ostomy
The suffix " ostomy" meaning to open a hollow organ and leave it open e.g. colostomy, cystostomy etc.

5. oma
The suffix "oma" meaning a tumor e.g. lipoma, osteoma etc.

6. Puberty
It is a developmental age of the body in which the secondary sexual characters appear in the body. It occurs earlier in female at the age of 12-15 year and later in male usually 13-16 year of age.

7. Symptoms
These are the subjective complaints of the patient about a disease.

8. Signs
These are the objective finding of the doctor on the patient.

9. Diagnose
It is the identification of a disease.

10. Prognosis
It means outcome of a disease.

11. Pyrexia
It means fever.

12. Lesion
It means injury OR pathological changes in the tissue.

13. inflammation
It is the immediate response of the tissue to all form of injuries. It has 5 signs.

  1. Pain
  2. Redness
  3. Swelling
  4. Heatness
  5. Loss of functions

14. Edema
It is an abnormal accumulation of fluid within extracellular spaces OR it means swelling.

15. Thrombosis
It is the intravascular coagulation of blood.

16. Embolism
It is the occlusion of a vessel by a detached body (thrombus/Embolus).

It is the rupture of a blood vessel with extravasation of blood which may be external OR internal.

18. Ulcer
It is the localized corrosion in the continuity surface of the mucous membrane OR skin.

Deep vein thrombosis

19. Sinus
A sinus is a cavity within a bone or other tissue. It is lined by epithelium.

20. Fistula
It is an abnormal connection between two hollow spaces and lined by epithelium.

21. Necrosis
It means cell/tissue death.

22. Degeneration
A reversible changes in the structural and functional quality of the cell/tissue/organ. It leads to neurosis.

23. Gangrene
When the necrotic tissue is highly putrefied.

24. Infarction
It is the necrosis of a tissue due to sudden obstruction of its arterial supply.

25. Atrophy
It means decrease in cell size.

26. Hypertrophy
It means increase cell size without cell number increasing.

27. Dystrophy
It means decrease in the size due to defective nutrition.

28. Hyperplasia
It means increase in the size of an organ due to increase in the number of cells.

29. Hypoplasia
It means incomplete development.

30. Aplasia
It means failure of development.

31. Syndrome
The collective group of sign and symptom.

32. Paralysis
It means loss of movement due to denervation.

33. Hemiplegia
It means paralysis of one half of the body.

34. Paraplegia
It means paralysis of both the lower limbs.

35. Monoplegia
It means paralysis of any one limb.

36. Quadriplegia
It means paralysis of the both upper and lower limb.

37. Anesthesia
It means loss of the touch sensibility.

38. Analgesia
It means loss of the pain sensibility.

39. Thermanesthesia
It means loss of the temperature sensibility.

40. Hypercuesthesia
It means abnormal increased sensibility.

41. Paraesthesia
It means perverted feeling of sensations.

42. Coma
It is a condition in which the patient is in deeply unconsciousness.

43. Tumor
Also called neoplasm and it is abnormal new growth in the body.

44. Benign tumour
It is a tumour which is easily removed through surgery and can't endanger the life.

45. Malignant tumour
It is a tumour which is not surgically removed and endanger life.

46. Carcinoma
The malignant tumour of the epithelium.

47. Sarcoma
The malignant tumour of the connective tissue.

48. Cancer
It is a general name use for any malignant neoplasm.

49. Metastasis
It is the spread of local disease.

50. Therapy
It means the medical treatment to a patient.

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