Urinary tract infection....... (UTI)


Infections within the tract are relatively common. These infections are often acknowledge as bladder infections. They're also known as UTI’s means urinary tract infections. When an infection belong only to the bladder, the best word to use is Cystitis. The kidneys also can become infected by bladder sometimes. This exact term for kidney infections are pyelonephritis. The best way to understand the difference between the cystitis and pyelonephritis, it's important to understand the Anatomy of the Urogenital system.

     Urinary tract infection....... (UTI)


    The urogenital system (also called the excretory system) produces, stores and eliminates urine. It consists of:

    1. Two kidneys
    2. Two ureters
    3. A bladder
    4. Urethra along with two sphincter muscles


    Kidneys located within the upper abdomen on the brink of the spine, at the extent of or simply below the ribcage. Kidneys are responsible to filter water and soluble waste products such as urea and salts from the blood and form urine.


    They are two thin tubes in which urine exit from kidneys and come into bladder. Tinny muscles which are found in the walls of ureters regularly tighten and relax to force urine to remove from the kidney. 


    Bladder is a balloon like organ, it is hollow and located inside the pelvis and fixed in situ by ligaments that link with other organs and pelvic bones. This organ is responsible to store urine. Bladder has the ability to swell like a baloon to become large, it usually stores about half litter urine easily for two to six hours.


    Urethra is a tube, it is connect with bladder.  Urethra pass urine from bladder to outside the body. 


    Spincters are muscular bodies with circular shape that controls urine from leaking out of the bladder. Nerves inside the bladder send message to the brain when it comes full. As bladder fillings up the desire to urinate induces. After urinate, the brain send message to the muscles of bladder to grip and squeeze the urine pull out of the bladder. It also send message the sphincter muscles to relax for the purpose of urinating.


    Urine is usually clear, translucent, amber colour with it's own  spicfic smell. UTI’S occur if bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra. The bacteria then increases themselves inside the bladder and may create infection. Sometimes these bacteria comes Gastrointestinal tract and positioned the skin near the rectum or inside the vagina in female. E. Coli is the most common bacteria that bring out infection in urinary tract.
    Sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea also bring UTI which is spread to the bladder ureters and at least one or both kidneys. Symptoms along with UTI are fever, hot flashes alternate with chills, dehydration and sepsis.


    Women are more sensetive to UTI verses men. This is due to the shorter urethral tube which cuts down the space that bacteria easily reach the bladder. The opening end of urethra is also more closer to the anus and may close contact with bacteria more willingly. After menopause, females also are more sensetive to UTI due to lack of estrogen. One another opportunity in male is the Prostatic fluids. Prostatic fluids are anti-bacterial but female do not have this opportunity.

    As men grow up to old ages, they have a risk of enlargement of the prostate. This enlargement create an obstruction in urine passing. It means bladder dose not empty and bacteria also dose not flushed and can brought UTI.


    Maximum sexual actvities may cause more continual tract infections in female.


    Neurological problems associated with bladder diseases can cause recurrent UTI because the bladder doesn't totally empty.

    Other Anatomical abnormalities that obstruct the continuity of urine and emptying of the bladder cause a UTI.
    Usage of  catheter to vacant the bladder causes UTI mostly thanks to bring bacteria inside of the urinary tract when the catheter is inserted. If catheter is left in the bladder for many days, the bladder may convert into colony of bacteria and is fall for to more infections.


    Some diseases such as Diabetes and Typhoid can debilitate the human Anatomy and accelerate the chance of UTI and other infections. The immune system save us from bacteria and infections. Majority of infections occurs in the lower urinary tract  including the bladder and urethra. UTI’S doed not always describe with its symptoms.


    • Continuous desire to urinate
    • Urgency (urgent need to urinate)
    • Burning sensation before, after or continously
    • Increased frequency
    • Urine pass drop by drop (dribbling)
    • Cloudy, pink, or brown coloured urine
    • Strong bad odor
    • Pelvic pain along with rectal pain sometimes

    In a full scale infection following symptoms also present

    • Kidneys swelling (pyelonephritis)
    • Pain feel in upper back and flank (sides)
    • High grade fever alternate with shaking and chills
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Pelvic pain
    • Pressure and discomfort in Lower abdominan
    • Bloody urine
    • Sometimes no symptoms occur


    Diagnosis of an infection is typically done by testing a urine sample. The urine sample  are tested for the prupose of confirming presence of white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), and bacteria. We have two techniques for this purpose. First is the Biochemistry machine and other is a test strips called rapid response strip for uti. Strip includes reagents that answer through changing color when dipped into urine container. These reagents have the ability to show many different elements living or non-living  that would be found in urine e.g blood or pus cells, bacteria, glucose and protein. The next stage is to checkout urine under a microscope to see microorganisms  (bacteria) if present.


    The urine can also be found out for a culture. Bacteria which may found in sample are grown in a culture. The sort of bacteria discover are generally recognized then tested with antibiotic medicines for finding out best matched killer medicine. Since cultures take a minimum of 48 hours before results are available, physicians will often treat the infection empirically with one among several antibiotics that generally are effective. If someones UTI isn't cure, a culture has now become needed in order to work out that antibiotic will probably be effective.

    But Homeopathy is the best way for the treatment of your UTI,  because homoeopathy belive on symptomology. Your homoeopathic physician diagnosis your UTI and select your medicine without any lab test.


    Cantharis 30 or 200

    If you realize your pain is intolerable, use Cantharis for it because it is one among the foremost applicable UTI remedies. Whenever you are feeling burning pain that gets worse after emptying the bladder or itching and burning together within the urethra, you ought to use Cantharis for it.

    Apis mellifica 30

    As you are feeling hot urine beginning from your bladder which looks milky and features a bad odor or little or no amount of urine beginning whenever you choose urination, you'll use Apis mellifica to treat your UTI. The patient doesn't feel thirst also.

    Equisetum 30 or 200

    Whenever you are feeling severe pain during or after urination or while passing large quantities of urine, you don’t get relief from pain, here, you'll use Equisetum for this type of UTI.

    Arsenic album 30

    If you are feeling cold together with your UTI and feel thirst drinking a little amount of water and frequency of drinking water is increased than the normal. Burning sensation in urination than use arsenic album.

    Some other remedies are Sepia, Ferr phos, Thuja, Sangria, Sarsaparilla, Lycopodium, Uva ursi, Berberis vulgaris, Thelapsi bursa, Sarsaparilla and  much of more.

    How to use medicine
    Mother tincture 10 to 15 drops and 30 potency can use 3 to 4 times daily while 200 potency twice daily. 30 and 200 potency 5 drops per  dosage directley combat your tongue or mix during a bit of water.

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