Malaria: A dark future and the conventional medicine

What is malaria? 

Malaria may be a serious infection in humans, characterized by periodic attacks of chills and fever, anemia, enlargement of the spleen and sometimes fatal complications. It is a protozoal disease caused by infection with parasites of the genus Plasmodium and transmitted to man by certain species of infected female Anopheles mosquito. There are 400 species discovered of Anopheles mosquitoes but only 60 are responsible for Malarial infection. The clinical features of Malaria vary from mild to severe and sophisticated.

    It is an acute febrile illness characterized by paroxysm of fever and chills as a result of agamogenesis of Plasmodium with within the red cells. Plasmodium Vivex, Plasmodium Ovale and Plasmodium Malaria are related to morbidity but no major mortality; Plasmodium Falciparum is are the parasite liable for some fatal Malaria. When parasite bites an individual it injects the parasites in to the body. It only takes one sting to become infected. Because the parasite exists in human red blood cells, Malaria are often transfer from one person to next person through transplant, shared use of needle syringes and transfusion.

    The WHO  respond Plasmodium parasites for Malaria. The source of germs reaching to human is the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. We call them Malaria vectors. Humans are sensitive from 5 types of parasites, however, 2 of them are pose the best threat and these two are

    • Plasmodium Falciparum 
    • Plasmodium Vivax

    219 millions cases of Malaria are registered  worldwide in the year 2017, says WHO. They also announce that each 2 minutes brings the death of a toddler from Malaria. Many countries are seriously trying to completely distory the mosquito borne disease off the face of the world, it's still, worryingly enough, showing an increase, in some countries. Remember, MALARIA is most dangerous DISEASE within the 18th CENTURY. 

    Symptoms of malaria 

    A Malaria infection is usually characterized by the subsequent signs and symptoms: 
    • Fever 
    • Chills 
    • Headache 
    • Nausea and vomiting 
    • Muscle pain and fatigue 
    • Sweating 
    • Chest or abdominal pain 
    • Cough 

    What causes malaria?   

    If a mosquito bite you and he was infected with the parasites of Plasmodium and your immunity system was not able to protect you. Than, you will be a patient of Malaria in a next few days. There are four kinds of malaria parasites that can infect humans:

    1. Plasmodium Vivex
    2. Plasmodium Ovale
    3. Plasmodium Malaria
    4. Plasmodium Falciparum

    Plasmodium Falciparum causes a more severe sort of the disease and people who contract this type of Malaria have a risk of death

    If mother is infected from Malaria, she may transfer the parasites in her newborns at birth. This type of transmission is referred to as congenital Malaria. Malaria may also transmitted through blood transfusion and use of shared needles and syringes.

    How is malaria diagnosed? 

    You cannot treat your Malaria yourself. So, visit your Doctor as soon as possible. He may require your health history, including any recent visit to epidemic regions. Your physical checkup also will be performed. The doctor will also inquire about enlarged spleen or liver. If Doctor find symptoms of Malaria, he may suggest additional blood tests to verify your diagnosis. 

    Treatment of malaria 

    The homeopathic management of Malaria has significant and unique contributions which may benefit patient in some ways. Homeopathic medicines are often beneficial as a prophylactic or a precautions. The Allopathic Anti-malarial medicines have several side effects and in patients It helps within the management of chronic Malaria. Chronic Malaria leads to a rise within the size of the spleen, which may be life threatening. The introduction of homeopathic medicines like Natrum Mur 30 has repeatedly demonstrated a far better response within the patients who haven't skilled conventional treatment. For single remedy prescription and treatment, it is better to consult a professional homeopathic physician face to face.

    Some important remedies are given below for the malaria treatment:

    1. China 2. Arsenic Album 3. Eupatorium Perf 4. Natrum Mur 5. Pulsatilla 6. Bryonia alba 7. Gelsemium 8. Rhus Tox 9. Apis Mellifica 10. Malaria Off 11. Ferrum Phos etc. and lots of other medicines. 

    Cinchona (China officianalis) 

    This homeopathic medicine china for malaria is best suited in epidemic and endemic. If symptoms include chills and fever, being of little if any use within the general malarial cachexia. The paroxysms (attacks of fever and chills) are not occurring at expected times and it corresponds more to the tertian type, if to any. The chills in China appear with nervous agitation, anxiety, headache, nausea and irritability. The coolness is of short duration and it soon becomes mingled with the warmth, and therefore the remedy could also be said to be one among the thirstless remedies in fever, as there's little or no, if any, thirst during the coolness and no real thirst during the warmth, it being from a desire to moisten the mouth, instead of to quench the thirst, that the patient may desire water. During the fever paroxysm, veins become wide and enlarged. There's congestion noted, face look red and warm, however other body parts will cold. At the beginning of chill, patient want to  heat up himself and wraps himself up. During the sweat, patient feel thirst. China officinalis is rarely use in inveterate and long-standing cases, where the liver and spleen are hypertrophied or where much quinine has been taken, though a swollen spleen doesn't contra-indicate the remedy. Other important symptoms include :

    • Agitation and anxious.
    • Appite totally loss or extreme hunger.
    • Gray complexion because because of anaemia.
    • Congestions.
    • Backaches.
    • Oedema sometimes.
    • Scanty urine with sediment  like brickdust.

    Nux vomica 

    Nux vomica is homeopathic medicine for Malaria not such a lot indicated in inveterate cases, but it corresponds to cases where the gastro bilious symptoms are prominent, and amid nervous symptoms proceeding from the medulla spinalis. The chills are probably more commonly quotidian, within usually afternoon and evening. The coolness is predominant and starts with blueness of the fingernails, preceded by aching of the body, gaping and yawing. Some other symptoms are:

    • No specific thirst
    • Dull frontal headache
    • Vertigo and nausea
    • Disturbances of stomach
    • Weakness of the limbs
    • No relief from covering or from external heat
    • Alternation of chills and warmth


    The symptoms of pulsatilla are long chill and little heat. Feel no thirst


    The patient is very weak. Warmth from stove relieves; thirst only during chill and will absent during warm.

    Carbo vegetabilis 

    Suitable for Chronic cases. Feet are cold. Extreme weakness with psychasthenia; desire for open air. 

    Apis mellifica 

    Motion causes aggravation and bring fever back. Chill with thirst and repeated afternoon. External heat, with asphyxiate.

    • Sleep only after the paroxysm otherwise unable to sleep
    • Perspiration dries frequently
    • Do not feel thirst.

    Arsenic album 

    Arsenic album is widely used for Malaria treatment. The symptoms are:  
    • High grade fever usually septic fever, Intermittent (1:00 am to 3:00 am and from 12:00pm to 1:00 pm)
    • Fear of death, fear of being left alone. 
    • Thinks it useless to require medicine 
    • Incomplete paroxysms, exhaustion, cold sweats.
    • Aggravation after midnight (1:00 am to 3:00 am)
    • Thirsty, but drink little quantity of water
    • Restless


    Pulse very slow, but full, soft, compressible. Patient wants to be held, because he shakes so. Chilliness up and down back. Fever is intermittent and long standing with heat and sweat. Dumb ague (shivering or shaking) associate with much muscular soreness. Prostration with violent headache. 

    • Bilious remittent fever
    • Dizziness
    • Faintness
    • Thirstless
    • Prostrated
    • Chill without thirst, along spine
    • Wave like, spreading upward from sacrum to occiput
    • Desire to be left alone
    • Dullness, languor, listless

    Chininum sulphuricum 

    This is the medicine of chronic cases. 

    • Chill at evening associated with slight or violent thirst
    • At the end of sweat there is much prostration
    • Extreme weakness at the epigastrium
    • During the paroxysm pain in the dorsal vertebrae may be a key symptom
    • Great periodicity

    Natrum muriaticum 

    A patient who is badly treated with chloroquine or other conventional medicines wants Natrum Mur. This remedy is suitable for youngsters aged between 5 to 18 year. A standard case may appear with following symptoms:

    • Headache
    • Pale yellow colour (looks anaemic)
    • Spleen and liver are enlarged
    • Intermittent fever beginning 10 am
    • Chill beginning within the back and feet
    • Extreme thirst
    • Pain in bones
    • Sleepy within the daytime and sleepless at night

    Eupatorium perfoliatum 

    Pain in bones are the key symptom of Eupatorium perfoliatum. Vomiting and other symptoms worse at 7:00 am. There are gastric symptoms almost like Ipecac; there's muscular soreness everywhere the body, and therefore the chill is apt to occur on the morning of 1 day and within the evening of the next; it's preceded by thirst and bitter vomiting. The patient knows the coolness is approaching because he cannot drink enough, the coolness commences within the small of the rear and is accompanied with a way of pressure over the skull cap. 


    In the moderate epidemics where the tertian form command, Ipecac shown to be helpful. The chills are most marked and therefore the fever is associate with the digestive upsets, appetite loss, hate from food, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Ipecac is the remedy of acute Malaria and suitable within the beginning of intermittent fevers, suitable for sensitive young patients. The thirst is wanting or slight during the coolness and therefore the chill predominates; the warmth is trifling and therefore the sweat is typically missing , or there could also be a brief chill and long fever. During the paroxysmal attacks there could also be a suffocative cough, difficult or labored respiration. During the apyrexia the following symptoms are noted:

    • Digestive upsets
    • Pale yellow skin
    • Headache
    • Nausea and vomiting

    If the symptoms mix up than think about Ipecac, because a dose or two will clear the case and the right symptoms appear.

    Malaria officianalis

    This is the nosode of Malaria parasites. Use only one dose before starting treatment. For preventation, use 200 potency once a week.

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