Risk factors of dehydration


We often listen from Doctors about water intake. They mostly advised to drink 10 to 12 glass of water in 24 hours. But what is your routine? And is it possible to drink 10 glass of water in winter? I personaly advised you must this because over intake of water is not harmful but less water intake can brought dehydration.


    Dehydration is known as loss of water along with essential salts that are required for normal body functioning.

    Dehydration takes place if the body loses more water and fluids than it consumption in. It can result from:

    • Diseases such as diarrhoea
    • Dry or very hot climate
    • Prolonged exposure to the sun
    • Over use of diuretics
    • Frequent urination
    • Less water intake

    Side effects of dehydration


    Nausea is a symptom of several disorders in the stomach, liver, and intestines. Rarely is it a result of a disorder in the stomach alone. The diagnosis of the real problem that is causing nausea is very important as the treatment will vary accordingly. Nausea indicates the following disorders when accompanied by the characteristic symptoms.


    Excessive loss of sodium on prolonged exposure to heat/sun leads to dehydration. This results in an imbalance of fluids in the system, and it finds it difficult to cope with the food stored in the stomach. As a result it attempts to throw the food out. Exposure to sun also increases the bilious level in the system.


    Following exposure to the sun, there could be:

    1. Headache
    2. Giddiness
    3. Vomiting

    which can be aided by drinking water. On expulsion of the contents of the stomach some relief can be obtained.

    Inhalation of toxic fumes:

    Certain toxic fumes generated by factories and chemical laboratories activate bile in the system and result in nausea. Exhaust fumes from automobile could induce nausea, when we are forced to inhale them.

    Loss of vital fluids:

    Loss of vital fluids through excessive urination as in diabetes and urinary tract infection, serve diarrhea and dysentery, and excessive menstrual bleeding can cause and fruitless retching.

    Travel sickness:

    Here nausea occurs, with a sick, giddy headache, and could be due to imbalance of fluid in the middle ear, which disturbs the hypothalamus.

    Onset of menstruation:

    Upon the onset of menstruation, there is accumulation of heat which results in hyperbiliousness and nausea.


    • Starts with bitterness of the mouth
    • Slimy feeling of the tongue
    • Forntal headache
    • Gurgling sound in the abdomen
    • Vomiting occurs, of a greenish- yellowish bitter liquid
    • As soon as the vomiting is over, the symptoms subside
    • Simple hyperbiliousness is relatively short in duration.


    • Heaviness and distention of the stomach like a dull ache and discomfort
    • Heatburn may or may not be there
    • Forntal headache
    • Metallic taste in the mouth
    • If the food is still present in the stomach, it is vomited
    • Indigestion can be periodical.


    • Peristaltic movements are obstructed
    • The nausea is cyclical and comes up whenever there is movement of the organs in the viscera
    • Distention of the abdomen with sharp shooting pains
    • Heartburn
    • Diarrhoea may also occur.


    • Nausea is repeated and consistent
    • Sharp, localised, burning pain in the region of the ulcer
    • Stomach pain is present before as well as after a meal
    • Pain is always accompanied with nausea


    • Pain comes on typically about an hour after meals, accompanied with nausea
    • In an acute attack, there could be frequent bleching and vomiting
    • Diarrhoea

    Dehydration effects and causes


    • Nausea occurs, due to dehydration
    • Diarrhoea is always present, is watery and uncontrollable
    • The person vomits clear water and frothy saliva
    • Food cannot be retained
    • Heaviness of head, body and limbs
    • Muscular tiredness and weakness Body is hot and dry


    • Peritonitis usually follows another disorder in the abdomen, like food, fume or drug poisoning or brust appendix.
    • There is
    • Pain in the abdomen
    • Retching occurs but nothing comes out except saliva and froth
    • The person cannot eat or drink anything
    • The abdomen swells becomes tympanitic and sensitive to touch. 

    Chronic Urinary Tract Infection:

    • Nausea occurs occasionally
    • Lack of appetite
    • Tiredness
    • There could be a urethral discharge occasionally
    • Feverishness may be present, from time to time
    • Urine is highly coloured
    • Burning micturition
    • Itching of the urethra

    The person would have to be treated for the infection.

    Nausea with fever:

    When nausea occurs with high fever, it could indicate certain tropical fevers like Malaria, Small Pox, Typhoid. Nausea can also be accompanied with high fever due to high uraemic toxin, which occurs in severe disorders like kidney malfunction. Acute urinary infection can tigger off nausea and fever. Here it is accompanied also with a dull, gnawing pain in the back, in the region of the kidneys. Urine is highly coloured and has a bad odour. In these cases, the person will have to he given appropriate treatment.

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