Diarrhoea causes and treatment


Most people have experienced an episode of diarrhoea at a while in their lives. Generally, this resolves without any medicine after a day or two.


    Diarrhoea is a condition of increasing urgency and frequency of bowl moments. During diarrhoea bowel movements become loose or watery. It occurs when the liner of the intestine does not capable absorb water and other fluid, or it immediately secretes fluid.
    Diarrhoea causes and treatment


    Various causes response diarrhoea but most common is infection. A numberless cases of diarrhoea are self-healing and do not need any kind of treatment. However, fluid intakes are essential for every patient effected with diarrhoea. Additionally, due to continuous watery bowel movements the stool also expect with blood, mucus, pus or fats.


    Bacteria and parasites such as salmonella and Cryptosporidium and sometimes virus such as rotavirus infected the digestive tract. Sometimes these infections are epidemic.

    Medicinal reaction

    Some medicines such as Antibiotics and antacids can cause diarrhoea as a side effect. They will imbalance bacteria in your gut, which may cause diarrhoea.

    Food intolerance

    A sudden change in diet can cause diarrhoea. For example lactose, some people have diarrhoea after eating foods containing fructose (a sort of sugar) or artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and mannitol. Drinking excess amount of alcohol also causes diarrhoea.


    If a part of the bowel has been removed through surgery.

    Other reasons

    Bowel conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease e.g ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Malabsorption e.g. thanks to problems with the pancreas.


    • Watery stools
    • Painful abdominal cramps
    • Nausea
    • Fever
    • Bloating
    • Weakness

    Some additional symptoms are

    • Thirst
    • lack of energy
    • passing less urine than normal
    • dizziness
    • Dehydration


    Diarrhoea is dangerous and life threatening disease. If you find symptoms of diarrhoea in yourself or any of your family member, take them to a doctor immediately if they have:

    1. Not improved with self-care measures and home based medication or diarrhoea lasts quite 3 days in a healthy person.
    2. Bright red blood noted in faeces, faeces are dark and tarry, faeces that include mucus or the high amount of fat.
    3. Stool looks pale coloured, greasy in it' s nature, bed smelling.
    4. Stools that are difficult to flushed out.
    5. Dehydration, usually in small and older ages, because young as well as older people both have a high risk of dehydration which can be life threatening.
    6. Diarrhoea with fever, rashes in rectum or abdominal cramps, or a general feeling of extreme weakness.
    7. Vomiting, nausea and dizziness.
    8. Constipation alternates with the diarrhoea.



    Podophyllum is the Metronidazole (Flygel) of homoeopathy. Podophyllum is the mainstream remedy for all types of acute intestinal inflammatory disorders. This is prescribed with following symptoms.

    1. Sudden urgency for stool especially at early morning. Person leaves the bed for stool every morning.
    2. Profuse, offensive-smelling of stool
    3. Extreme rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen before passing the stool
    4. Symptoms worse from 4:00 am to 10:00 am and in summer days
    5. Excessive thirst for cold water but desire juice more than water
    6. Restless at night
    7. Tend to grind his teeth

    Podophyllum also prescribed for diarrhoea in children when they are in teething period. Liver feels sore and want to rub it.


    Arsenic album is leading when:
    1. Diarrhoea is caused by viral infection.
    2. Diarrhoea is due to food poisoning.
    3. Diarrhoea is due to eat or drink cold food such as ice cream, cold water, ice etc.

    Symptoms of arsenic album are:

    • Excessive thirst but only sip of fluid or water drink at a time
    • Burning sensation from food pipe to rectum
    • Due to nausea and vomiting, do not eat and digest anything
    • Restless, nervous and usually anxious  
    • Fever alternate with chills 
    • Aggravated by cold air, food and other cold applications 


    This remedy should be prescribed if an individual faces insecure in the rectum. He afraid from unplanned and involuntary expelling of a stool after passing gas. Faeces looks like jelly. Gurgling and rumbling occures in the abdomen when stool releases. If a person may have haemorrhoids with the above symptoms, than don't miss aloe.


    Veratrum album is will known remedy of diarrhoea. If patient have too weak and feeling very chilly. Profuse and cold sweating with continuous vomiting.


    The main symptoms of china are diarrhea with bloating, indigestion, and weakness. Expelling of undigested food particals in faeces also noted. All types of symptoms aggressive at night and in hot weather.


    This is good in infants who may have diarrhoea when they are in teething period. Other symptoms are:
    • Baby have a great pain even colic or teething pain.
    • Desire to holding and carrying them because it provides temporary relief. 
    • Baby have a complain of projectile vomiting. 


    Patient of calcaria Carb is usually obese, he has weak bones and look pale coloured. This remedy is equally suite to infants as a will as elders if they have the symptoms of craving eggs and indigestible things e.g chalk, soil etc. Emit a sour odor from their body and sweat. Sweating profusely, especially on the head.


    Acute diarrhoea due to rich spicy or fast foods, eating too much fruits, greasy foods and cold e.g ice cream. Diarrhea with changeable colours, consider this remedy. Symptoms worse after noon and at night.


    If your baby doesn't have the ability to digest milk, after feeding he vomits, vomiting usually contains yellow or green curds. The child feels very weak, and becomes very restless, anxious and weepy.

    Authesa is an important remedy for the uncontrolled indigestion, diarrhoea and cholera. It works as a life saving remedy if the symptoms matches.


    If you have diarrhoea with cramping and sharping abdominal pain, immediately after eating or drinking anything, you may need colocynthis. Abdominal pain in colocynthis  ameliorate by the passing of gas, stool, or bending over.


    Non stop nausea and urgings to have a stool. Nausea does not have any relief even patient vomits. Patient have frequent salivation and spasm in the abdomen.


    Merc sol is the remedy for severe diarrhea or food poisoning. The patient passes watery stools along with burning sensation.
    Stains of blood also comes with stools. The colour of diarrhoea even in dysentery may have green and will have an offensive odor. Another guiding symptom of merc sol is continuous pain with stool, before, during and after. Aggravated in the evening and at night.

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