Malnutrition and related diseases


Taking a diet in which the required nutrients are not in enough quantity or over the required quality is called malnutrition. Under nutrition is a consequence of consuming low amount of essential nutrients while over nutrition means taking too much nutrients. Severe malnutrition may result in death, heart diseases, constipation and obesity. 

    Causes of Malnutrition

    There are many reasons of suffering from malnutrition.

    a. Malnutrition may be due to a lack of knowledge of a balanced diet.

    b. Poor absorption of nutrients in the body can also be a reason for malnutrition.

    c. Poverty is among the most common reasons of malnutrition. Malnutrition is especially widespread in under developed countries.

    d. Famine is another reason behind malnutrition. Famine means widespread lack of food to feed all the people living in the area. Famines are caused due to increasing population, drought, flooding, crop diseases, unequal food distribution due to wars, unfriendly economic policies etc.


    The major types of malnutrition are: 

    1. Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
    2. Mineral Deficiency Diseases (MDD) 
    3. Over intake of Nutrients (OIN).

    Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM)

    The term Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) applies to a condition in which the body is not getting required amounts of proteins or any energy producing nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids). It may also occur when the body cannot absorb such nutrients due to other diseases (e.g. AIDS or cancer). Two important diseases associated with PEM are marasmus and kwashiorkor.

    i. Marasmus

    This type of PEM occurs in children due to very low intake of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Children suffering from marasmus have very thin bodies. Their body weight is less than 60 percent of the expected weight for their  age. They have almost no fats and muscle strength in their bodies. They also suffer from low body temperature and anaemia. Marasmus can be treated by adding all nutrients to the diet. In severe cases, this disease may lead to death.

    ii. Kwashiorkor

    Kwashiorkor is a more severe form of PEM. It occurs in children or adults due to inadequate intake of proteins. The Kwashiorkor patients are very thin but have swollen stomach. They also suffer from thinning of hair and loss of teeth. Their body fails to produce antibodies against diseases. Kwashiorkor can be treated by adding proteins to the diet. In severe cases, this disease may also lead to death.

    Mineral Deficiency Diseases (MDD)

    Mineral deficiencies occur when a person's mineral intake consistently falls below the recommended requirement. Mineral deficiencies can lead to a variety of diseases e.g. anaemia, goiter, osteoporosis and rickets.

    i. Anaemia 

    Anaemia means lesser than normal quantity of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood, It occurs when the body has poor iron intake or poor absorption of iron.

    When there is deficiency of iron in the body, it cannot make the required number of red blood cells. The common symptom of anaemia are constant fatigue and weakness. Prolonged anaemia results in hair loss, brittle hair and nails.

    ii. Osteoporosis 

    Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become porous and fragile. It occurs when the body does not take the required amounts of calcium or vitamin D.

    iii. Goiter

    Goiter is a disease in which the thyroid gland present in the neck enlarges. This gland uses iodine for Goitre making its secretions. When there is deficiency of iodine in diet, the gland enlarges. It results in a swelling in the neck.

    Over Intake of Nutrients (OIN)

    The over consumption of high calorie diet leads to overweight and obesity. Obese people may suffer from hypertension, liver, renal and heart disorders. Excessive fat consumption can be fatal. Some fats get deposited on the inner walls of the arteries causing arteriosclerosis. It leads to cardio-vascular diseases and other complications like hypertension, diabetes etc.

    Similarly, over-intake of vitamin D causes nausea, fatigue, vomiting, renal damage etc. Over-intake of vitamin A leads to dry itchy skin, painful swelling of legs and hands, enlargement of spleen etc.

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    1. Is anorexia nervsoa is a disease or only a disorder?

    2. Anorexia or Anorexia nervosa is a medical condition that is totally a psychological condition, but it causes many diseases such as obesity and depression.


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