Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder. BN is a serious psychological problem associated with persistent eating behaviors that negatively impact person's health, emotions and skill to function in important areas of life. BN affecte people and they may often become pre-occupied with food and weight. This also affect thousands of people in which of them most frequently women and there ages are usually between of 15 years to 40 years.
According to a leading medical journal
"Bulimia nervosa (BN) acknowledge as a serious and life threatening psychological and physical disorder belong a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors like self induced vomiting designed to undo or catch up on the consequences of eating."
The actual causes for BN are still unknown but some multiple factors are consider to contribute to the event of this disease, including:
genetic missing
environmental factors
psychological conditions
cultural influences
Some of the most causes include
stressful transitions or sudden life changes
History of abuse
negative body image
Professions of activities that belong to appearance and performanceExcessive exercise
laxative abuse
combination of purging methods
A person with bulimia might eat quite 2,000 caIories in one sitting then induce vomiting. Repeated vomiting harm the enamel of teeth , resulting in yellow teeth, mouth sensitivity, and rapid cavity. Laxative problems may seriously affect the guts and gastrointestinal tract. People with bulimia can also experience symptoms such as
- Abdominal pain
- Tiredness
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Headache
The females often have a complain of irregular menses. They also have occasional swelling of the hands and feet. For women, bulimia sometimes creates fertility issue. Persons with bulimia are often normal weight or maybe overweight.
Homeopathic treatment may be consider as a safe, gentle, and natural. Homeopathic medicines work as a tonic that restore our natural immunity rapidly and then body fix diseases itself, and get better overall health. A real homeopathic doctor treated his/her patient as a single individual and according to his/her symptoms of their body, mind and emotions are all considered within the management and prevention of disease. The goal of a Homeopathic doctor is not only to fix BN but to remove all physical and emotional upsets with its underlying causes. BN is a complex disease, so it is better to visit a Professional Homeopathic physician face to face for individualized remedy treatment. Following remedies are usually prescribed for the treatment of eating disorders:
Nux vomica
The tolerant medicine eats an excessive amount of, desires for stimulants such as coffee, tea, tobacco and energy drinks. He have desire to vomit but cannot. Nausea, vomiting and stomach pain after eating.
Abies nigra
Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Total loss of appetite in morning, but great desire of eating food at noon and night.
Craving for various food, but is averse to them when smelling them cause nausea even to fainting. Vomiting of mucus, bile and food.
Appetite impaired, but chiefly increased even to bulimia. He must eat frequently in order that he cannot await regular meals.
China officinalis
Hungry, looking for food, which lies undigested. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion, Weight after eating and pain in hypogastric region.
Hydrastis canadensis
The key symptoms of this medicines are:
- physical wasting with loss of weight and
- muscle mass thanks to disease with great
- weakness. Patient is depressed, gets easily
- weak digestion.
Zincum metalicum
Hiccoughs , Nausea, vomiting of bitter mucus. Greedy for food especially when eating but cannot eat fast. Atonic dyspepsia, feeling as if stomach were collapsed.