ANOREXIA NERVOSA (Eating disorder)


    Anorexia is additionally a deadly disorder. 1 person in every 10 with anorexia dies. Anorexia is defined by the continuous restriction of energy intake. The patient has an extreme fear of gaining weight. He also have an extreme degree of fear about his weight or shape. It related to significant morbidity and a death rate as high as that seen in the other psychiatric illness. An estimate is that people with anorexia had a six fold rise in mortality compared to the overall population. consistent with the National Association of anorexia and Associated Disorders, 85% to  90% you look after the persons suffer from this mental disease are females. 

    Causes of anorexia 

    The exact explanation for anorexia is unknown. Like many diseases, it's probably a mixture of biological, psychological and environmental factors. 

    Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa 

    Anorexia nervosa may display combination of the physical, behavioral and psychological signs and symptoms.  

    Physical signs are: 

    • severe muscle loss
    • thinning hair
    • brittle nails
    • extreme sensitivity to cold
    • yellow dry skin
    • bone loss
    • dry mouth
    • low blood pressure
    • alopecia

    are common but female patients often  experience irregular or stopped menstrual periods. 

    Psychological symptoms includes

    Anorexia may alter the way the brain  functions, causing slow thinking; an inability to concentrate, and depression. There's also high incidence of suicide among people with anorexia. Anxiety particularly around meal times increased sensitivity to comments 

    • concerning food
    • to weight
    • to body shape
    • to exercise
    • low self-esteem
    • perfectionism
    • depression

    Behavioral symptoms 

    • antisocial behavior
    • secrecy around eating
    • self-harm and a few time could also be suicidal attempts.

    Beyond the standard complications brought on by malnutrition👆 are

    • slowing metabolism
    • lack of appetite 
    • heartbeat
    • dizziness
    • chronic fatigue
    • kidney liver or thyroid disorders 


    Homeopathy is well-known for its safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with human organ systems. It also famous to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve overall health. Under the guidance of qualified homeopath everyone is treated as a singular individual and symptoms of their body, mind and emotions are all considered within the management and prevention of disease. The target of homeopathic medication is not only to heal a disease but to understand its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. For  individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a professional homeopathic doctor. There are following remedies which are helpful within the treatment of eating disorders:


    Abies nigra

    • Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. The appetite loss in morning, all but great looking for food at noon and night.


    • Appetite impaired, but chiefly increased even to bulimia. He must eat frequently in order that he cannot await regular meals.

    China officinalis

    • Hungry looking for food, which lies undigested. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion, Weight after eating and pain in hypogastric region.


    • Craving for numerous things, but is allergic to them when smelling them cause nausea even to fainting. Vomiting of mucus, bile and food.

    Hydrastis canadensis

    • The key symptoms of this medicine are:
    • Physical wasting with loss of weight and muscle mass thanks to disease with great weakness. 
    • Patient is depressed, gets easily weak digestion.

    Nux vomica

    • Desire for stimulants.  Wants to vomit but cannot. Nausea, vomiting and stomach pain after eating.

    Zincum metalicum

    • Hiccoughs,  Great greediness when eating cannot eat fast enough. Dyspepsia, feeling as if stomach were smashup.

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