Stye, related symptoms and Homoeopathic treatment


Stye is the inflammation or swelling on the edge of an eyelid due to bacteria or infections of the gland at the base of an eyelash.
This is a reddish lump on the outer edge of your eyelid. It has pus and tender to the touch and can be very painful.


    A. Outer or external stye
    B. Inner or internal stye
    Stye, related symptoms and Homoeopathic treatment

    A. External styes

    External styes are much more common than internal styes, external styes are mostly start in an eyelash follicle. They often, start in an oil or sebaceous gland. These located on the edge of eyelid.

    B. Internal styes

    This kind of stye begin in Meibomian gland within eyelid tissue. They create pressure on eye as they grow, in order that they are more painful than external styes.
    As you know, internal stye is an abscess of Meibomian gland which belong to tarsal plates, here the stye points on the inner surface of the eyelids. The local reaction is a smaller amount severe than the external stye. But when in subsides there's usually a residual swelling or granuloma within the tarsal plate which is named chalazion.


    Stye is a kind of abscess,  it takes place one of the glands of the eyelash follicles. It can occur outer or inner side in the eyelids.  
    • Patient feels pain in the eyelids. 
    • Tenderness and redness.
    • Inflammatory reaction such as runny eyes.


    Stye is a bacterial infection. staphylococci are mostly responsible for stye. Stye causes the appearance of a painful lump on a lower or upper eyelid. Stye is  not often  a serious condition, but is actually very common, especially in children and old ages.
    Because it's a bacterial infection, certain measures can be taken for preventation.

    1. Controlling certain habits such as touching your eyes with dirty hands, rubbing your eyes with your hands, especially if they are not clean.

    2. Do not share personal items such as towel, handkerchiefs, glasses, cosmetics etc. In the case of stye, it is really important to avoid sharing all those items. Because, they are contagious if appropriate measures are not taken. Wash your hands with soap for at least 30 seconds.

    3. Remove eye makeup before going to bed.


    Local heat along with medicines provides relief. The involved lash may be plucked and removed with relieves the condition. Homeopathic remedies are more suitable in the case of stye. They are easy to use and give a very quick result. Following are  some medicines that are mostly prescribed by Homoeopathic doctors but I personally advice you that the best way is to visit physically a registered Homeopathic physician near by.


    Staphysagria is for recurrent styes. In this remedy. The stye feels hard and does not break or suppurate. Stye developing continuously. Feels better after rest, at night and with warm application. Dry eyes with lachrymation.

    Pulsatilla nigricans

    Pulsatilla consider as the key remedy for stye. The styes are recurrent and are inflamed and agglutinated. Other symptoms  are excessive lachrymation, eyes look like weeping eyes. There is thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges with itching and burning in eyes. Feels better in open air and aggravated in room and warm places.

    Apis mellifica 

    Do you have an experience of bee sting. How feels after the sting?
    Swelling, pierching pains, redness, puffy and look like water cyst. If your stye has the following symptoms, than it will be treated by Apis. Remember, lachrymation not often seen in Apis.

    Kali sulph

    Kali sulph is best known for its 3rd generation inflammatory symptoms. Usage with other medicines will provide quick results.


    Eyelids feel heavy and fall involuntarily, pus like honey. Feel dryness in lids. Eyelids are red and swollen.

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