Male Reproductive system


Male Reproductive system

Reproduction is a process in which human and other living things can produce young ones of their own kind.


    The male reproductive system can be classified into three main parts:

    1. A pair of testes (or gonads)

    2. Ducts system and accessory glands

    3. A penis (external genitalia)

    1. TESTES

    Testes occur in pair. Each testis is Oval shape structure, both lie outside the body. in a sac-like structure called "Scrotum", convoluted tubules present called "Semineferous tubule".

    Function of testes


    The formation of sperms in the walls of seminiferous tubule is called spermatogenesis. The germ cells (or spermatogonia) are outermost cells of seminiferous tubules. During the development of sperms the cells are nourished by a fluid secreted by special cells called "Sertoli cells" present in valves of semineferous tubules. Each Sperm or spermatozoa is a haploid cell.


    Sperm has head, neck, mid piece and a tail (flagellum). At the top of head is acrosome that has hydrolyic enzymes for entry into the ovum. The mid piece has many mitechondria. About 400-500 million sperms are produced each day in normal male.


    The accessory ducts include:

    i)   Vasa efferentia 
    ii)  Epididymis
    iii) Vas deferens
    iv)  Ejaculatory duct
    v)   Urethra

    i) Function of Vasa efferentia

    About 10-20 Vasa efferentia collect sperms from inside the testes and transfer them to the epididymis.

    ii) Function of Epididymis

    Its function are the transports and storage of the sperms for some days.

    iii) Function of Vas deferens

    Its work is to store sperms.

    iv) Ejaculatory duct

    Its function is to receive contents from vas deturens, seminal vesicle and prostatic secretions.

    v) Function of urethra

    Urethra is connected with both the sperm duct and urinary bladder.

    Accessory glands and its function in Male reproductive system

    Three different glands secrete their secretions in sperm duct present different locations, the secretions mostly whitish in colour called "seminal fluid". The sperm and fluid collectively called "Semen". The semen is slightly alkaline. It's pH  is 7.2 to 7.6. The three accessory glands are:

    i). Seminal vesicle

    Help to activate spem swimming by providing food and also neutralize the acidic fluid of vagina. It form about 65-70% of the seminal fluid.

    ii). Prostaglandin

    It suppress immune response to semen in female body, decrease and viscosity of cervix and stimulate reverse peristalsis in uterus.

    iii). Prostate gland

    Prostate gland neutrilize acidity of sperms from vas deferns. It also neutrilize vaginal acidity.

    3. External genitalia (Penis)

    The penis is the reproductive organ used to pass sperms to female reproductive organ at the time of copulation.
    The release of semen from body is called "Ejaculation".


    The different hormones that control the male reproductive system includes:

    i) GnRH
    ii) Gonadotrophin (FSH and LH)
    iii) Testosterone
    iv) Inhibin

    i) GnRH

    The secretion of Gonadotrophin from pituitary gland is controlled by GnRH.

    ii) Gonadotrophin 

    The anterior pituitary gland secretes LH and FSH (collectively called Gonadotrophin). FSH hormone controls the sperm productions in semineferous tubules, while LH controls the testosterone production by interstitial cells.

    iii) Interstitial cells (or Leyden cells)

    This present in between the semineferous tubules which secrete a hormone called "Testosterone". Testosterone controls the secondary sexual characters of male at maturity. It also helps in sperm production.
    Inhibin is secreted by Sertoli cells present in walls of seminiferous

    iv) Inhibin

    It is secreted by Sertoli cells present in walls of seminiferous tubule. It also controls the normal rate of spermatogenesis. Inhibin tubules
    specially decrease the secretion of FSH from pituitary gland.

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