Germs and your health

           Germs and you

Microbes are too  small to  be seen  with the eye. So, how can we know they exist?
When you see mouldy bread in your kitchen, you're seeing colonies or groups of  microbes. Similarly, once you get a cavity or tooth decay,  there's a specific sort of microbe growing in your mouth, which is named bacteria. Bacteria form a sticky, colourless film called plaque that constantly forms on our teeth. It's liable for infection in our gums and cause cavities and tooth decay, and may harden into tartar if not removed daily.

    Bacterial infection in gums and teeth
    Tooth decay due to bacterial infection

    What is infection?

    When disease-causing microorganisms attack the physical body, they cause infection and disease. Some diseases spread from person to person or through other organisms; these are called infectious diseases. Some common infectious diseases are 
    But how do these microorganisms attack or infect us?  Let's determine.

    How microbes infect us

    What do you think how we actually get infected with disease-causing microbes?

    In our daily lives, we come into contact with other humans, animals, plants, insects, flies and lots of more. These could also be infected with harmful microbes, in order that they put us in danger of being exposed to disease. To enter a body, a pathogen follows a sequence of events that together form a circular chain. it's called a sequence of infection.

    1. The method begins with the existence of a particular disease-causing microbe (pathogen). It's the primary link within the chain.

    2.  The second link within the chain is that the reservoir, i.e. the environment where the pathogen can survive. Samples of a reservoir include water and soil could also be someone who is already infected.

    3. The third link within the chain is that the means of escape from the reservoir. For instance, if we are the reservoir, the pathogen can escape once we cough or sneeze.

    4. The fourth link within the chain is that the mode of transmission from the  reservoir to the host. If water is that the reservoir of germs, its mode of transmission would be our beverage supply.

    5. The fifth link within the chain is that the means of entry. A pathogen must find how inside the host to cause infection.

    6. The ultimate link within the chain is how vulnerable the host is to the

    DO you know all microbes are not harmful.

    A healthy level of beneficial bacteria is required to defend the body against harmful bacteria. Thereby, foods containing prebiotics (a microorganism known for its
    beneficial qualities) provide a natural boost to the system.
    Germs and diseases
    Hepatitis C virus

    How microbes inter into your body

    Microorganisms can enter the physical body during a number of the ways and cause infection. Some ways are:

    a. Direct contact

    Some infections spread directly when skin comes into contact with the skin of an infected person. Samples of diseases that spread through direct contact are pink eyes and conjunctivitis and various skin diseases.

    b. Indirect contact

    Some infections spread indirectly when skin comes into contact with contaminated objects or surfaces, i.e. touching an object employed by an infected person. Samples of diseases that spread through indirect
    contact are diarrhea and influenza.

    c. Air

    Some infections spread when an infected person coughs; spits or sneezes and lets out small particles containing infectious agents called germs into the air. Anyone who breathes in these particles may get infected. Sars and Covid-19 are examples of diseases that spreads through air.

    d. Water

    Harmful microorganisms are transfered into the physical body when someone drinking  water containing germs, Hepatitis is an of diseases  spreads through water.

    e. Contaminated food

    Eating food contaminated with disease-causing microorganisms can make you sick. Worms are example spread through
    contaminated food.

    f. Animals or insects

    Insects like mosquitoes inject harmful microorganisms into the body of a person while sucking blood. In a similar way, microorganisms can transfer from animals to humans. Congo virus is an example, this virus transfers to humans through on infected animals.

    g. Cuts or wounds

    Wounds or cuts on the skin also provide on entry for germs. Tetanus is an example of o disease that spreads through cuts or wounds.

    How  to prevent from infections?

    Here are some ways to stop infections and keep ourselves healthy.

    a. Washing hands

    The habit of washing hands with soap and wafer before and after having meals, once you sneeze, cough and use toilet is sweet
    because some infections spread by faeces or urine.

    b. Keeping food covered

    Houseflies spread infections, once they comes into contact with food, because they are the carriers of germs. So, keep food covered when flies are around.

    c. Use boiled or filtered water 

    Water is important for all times, but don't drink water directly from lakes, ponds or rivers as they're the reservoirs of germs. If filtration not possible, use boiled water because most germs die at high temperature.

    d. Keep it to yourself

    If you've got an infection which will be spread, try to not transfer anyone else. Stay away or quarantine from people is the best way until you better.

    e. Take care with cuts and scratches

    If you've got any cut and scratch, use bandages to cover them because cuts are hospitable microbes.

    Ways to stay healthy

    There is a defense system in our body like a military on a border, which fights against harmful microorganisms. This technique works effectively If we follow some ways to stay healthy and powerful.
    1. Eat healthy food.
    2. Inhale fresh air and choose outdoor activities.
    3. Attend a physician and have a periodic checkup.

    🤔🤔Think back🤔🤔
    • When disease-causing microorganisms attack the physical body, they cause infection and disease.
    • Microorganisms can enter the physical body through air, water, food, cuts or wounds, etc. and cause infections.
    • We will avoid Infections by using boiled or filtered water or by Washing our hands before meals and after using the bath room, etc.

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