Eating disorders


Eating disorders are serious psychological conditions associated with persistent eating behaviors that negatively impact person's health, emotions and skill to function in important areas of life. People with eating disorders typically become pre-occupied with food and their weight. Eating disorders affect several million people at any given time, most frequently women between the ages of 12 and 35.


    The most common eating disorders are 8 but in this artical you will read only top 3.

    1. Orthorexia Nervosa (ON)
    2. Bulimia nervosa (BN)
    3. Anorexia nervosa (AN)


    The term orthorexia nervosa was introduced by American physician Steven Bratman in 1977.  He define Orthorexia nervosa as an unhealthy phobia with "healthy" eating. It consider as a less common type of eating disorder. A person who's food is consider as balanced diet but this becomes Problematic, He may require investigation for Orthorexia.
    This name is taken from Greek word Orthorexia Nervosa means correct diet.

    Do you expect healthy eating causes problem? Of course it cannot, healthy food or balanced diet do not causes problem itself. But someone who have phobic thoughts over the effects of food could psychologically become sick and he's possibly the patient of orthorexia nervosa.

    Symptoms of Orthorexia

    The possible symptoms of arthroexia are:
    Mood swings
    Feelings of shame
    Social isolation

    Behavioral symptoms 

    1. Refuses impure and artificial food such as artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, fats, sugar, pesticides, genetically modified animal or dairy products due to his obsessive thoughts.
    2. Only prefer pure and healthy foods.
    3. Phobic thoughts over the effects of the  eaten food on medical states, such as anxiety, allergies, digestive disorders etc.
    4. Great interest in preparation methods of foods, relating to food washing techniques and sterilization of utensils.
    5. Feel happy and satisfy if he eat clean, healthy and pure foods.
    6. Feelings of guilt after eat something that are not considered healthy and pure.
    7. Utilize a large amount of probiotics, herbal remedies, and natural supplements thought to have healthy effects on the body
    8. Very analytical and judgmental to others who do not follow hygienic protocols. 
    9. He often thinks about food and the consumption of food.


    Person who suffer from Orthorexia Nervosa  is very sensitive about food. He often thinking over the quality of food. It causes many complexion sometimes i.e. depression, anxiety and self-loathing. He dislike ordinary behaviors of eating,  so his relatives and friends and social circle is too limited and this take him onto social isolation. If he eat something impure or artificial, the obsessive thoughts of sickness suffer him. He may not ready for travel and long journey. He is phobic, so avoid eating food bought or prepared by others. Due to this behaviour, he will alone between friends and family who do not share the same beliefs about food.

    Eating disorders


    Anorexia is a deadly disorder. Why? Because 1 person in every 10 with anorexia dies. It is defined by the constant restriction of energy intake and intense fear of gaining weight and disturbance of self-perceived weight or shape. It related to significant morbidity and a death rate as high as that seen in the other psychiatric illness. National Association of anorexia and Associated Disorders, Identify 85% to  90% you look after the persons suffer from this mental disease are femaIes.

    Causes of anorexia 

    The exact explanation for anorexia is unknown. Like many diseases. It's probably a mixture of biological, psychological and environmental factors.


    Anorexia nervosa may display combination of the physical, behavioral and psychological signs and symptoms.  

    Physical symptoms 
    1. severe muscle loss
    2. thinning hair
    3. brittle nails
    4. extreme sensitivity to cold
    5. yellow dry skin
    6. bone loss
    7. dry mouth
    8. low blood pressure
    9. alopecia
    10. Female patients usually experience missing or stopped periods.

    Psychological symptoms

    Anorexia may alter the way the brain  functions, causing slow thinking; an inability to concentrate, and depression. There's also high incidence of suicide among people with anorexia. Anxiety particularly around meal times and increased sensitivity to comments on:
    • Concerning food
    • To weight
    • To body shape
    • To exercise
    • Low self-esteem
    • Perfectionism
    • Depression

    Behavioral symptoms
    1. Anti-social behavior
    2. Secrecy around eating
    3. Self-harm and a few time could also be suicidal attempts.

    Beyond the standard complications brought on by:
    1. Malnutrition  
    2. Slowing metabolism
    3. Lack of appetite 
    4. Heartbeat
    5. Dizziness
    6. Chronic fatigue
    7. Kidney, liver or thyroid disorders 


    Bulimia nervosa may be a serious, potentially life-threatening disorder characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors like self-induced vomiting designed to undo or catch up on the consequences of binge eating.
    Eating disorders
    Bulimia nervosa 


    The exact explanation for bulimia nervosa is currently unknown though it's thought that multiple factors contribute to the event of this disorder, including 
    1. Genetic
    2. Environmental
    3. Psychological
    4. Cultural influences

    Some of the most causes include

    1. Stressful transitions or life changes
    2. History of abuse
    3. Trauma
    4. Negative body image
    5. Self-esteem
    6. Professions of activities that
    7. Focus on appearance/performance
    8. Excessive exercise
    9. Laxative abuse
    10. Eneamas
    11. Fasting
    12. Combination of purging methods 


    A person with bulimia might eat quite 2,000 caIories in one sitting then induce vomiting. Repeated vomiting erodes the enamel of your teeth , resulting in yellow teeth, mouth sensitivity, and rapid cavityLaxative misuse can seriously affect the guts and gastrointestinal system. People with bulimia can also experience symptoms like tiredness, feeling bloated, constipation, abdominal pain, irregular periods, or occasional swelling of the hands and feet. For women, bulimia sometimes causes fertility issues. Persons with bulimia are often normal weight or maybe overweight.

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