IVF is newest and fastest way to get pregnant. If you tired with all the other ways of trying to get pregnant, then probably IVF is the best step suggested by the infertility specialists.

What is IVF?

IVF means in vitro fertilization. It is the process of pregnancy for those couples who face infertility due to physical disorders of sex organs.

During in vitro fertilization (IVF), eggs or ovam from female and sperm from male are brought together in a laboratory glass dish to make the sperm to fertilize ovam.

In 1978, a baby named LOUISE BROWN was born first time with the IVF technique. After Louise Brown, IVF give us over 3,000,000 babies worldwide. As times passed, phycians get more experience in IVF technology and Pregnancy rates and live birth rates have improved day by day, leading to a steady increase in the number of IVF treatment cycles performed worldwide. IVF success degree have dramatically improved and increases with the betterment of technology. A larger number of infertile couples over the age of 40 are now opting for IVF treatment.


IVF treatment is recommended to those couples who have the problems related to

  • Absent or blocked fallopian tubes in female partner.
  • Severe male infertility problems such as low sperm count or sperm motility is low.
  • Women who suffer from endometriosis.
  • Infrequent ovulation
  • Any type of unexplained infertility
  • Ovarian failures (donor eggs would be required in this case)


IVF has a high rate of success in helping couples to become pregnant. In the early future, IVF will also allow multiple gestation e.g. twins and triplets. The only disadvantage of IVF is the high costs in some parts of the world.



The IVF procedure is different for each couple because it depends on some factors. If the reason that a couple is undertaking an IVF technique is unexplained infertility, then they are lucky because the process will be shorter and is simple. It will also cost you less. If couple reasons for IVF procedure are due to more complicated female issues, or if there are sperm problems in male, then more will be involved. The IVF manner in different times isn't lots different, however you'll go through extra testing, and the sperm will want to be dealt with earlier than fertilization.


An IVF cycle include many stages over an interval of 4-6 weeks and start when a woman begins taking drugs to stimulate her ovaries to produce ovam, look after progress by ultrasound imagery and blood tests, collecting ovam from female, collecting sperm from male, fertilizing the ovam outside the female's body in a culture dish or test-tube, transferring the embryo into the womb and end by the pregnancy test.

The remaining embryos of superb quality may then be frozen and stored for future usage. More than one cycle of IVF treatment is often necessary before pregnancy occures. Unluckily, some females do not become pregnant despite multiple IVF attempts.


Embryo freezing is a well-established form of assisted conception treatment. The Embryos which are frozen and stored for future are called cryopreservation. Because some embryos do not survive during process, the chances of a successful pregnancy using frozen embryos is usually lower than that when using fresh embryos.

IVF Clinics who have the facility to freeze spare embryos for later transfer are now increasing day by day worldwide. The first frozen embryo baby was born in 1984.

Embryo cryopreservation provide opportunity of multiple embryo transfers from a single ovam collection and improves the chances of livebirth. Another benefit is that embryos may be cryopreserved for an unlimited duration. Frozen embryos are cheaper and less risky for female over all health, because superovulation and ovam reproduction are not required.


IVF is basically a safe procedure. FSH injections do not cause side effects directly. However, some complaints are reported such as Ovaries become enlarged during treatment, which can cause:

  • Abdominal swelling and discomfort
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
  • Abdominal pain, vomiting
  • Untreated blood clots in the legs or lungs
  • Fluid imbalances in the blood

However as with any surgical procedure, a few patients will experience side effects and complications.

The most common complications belong to IVF therapy are the failure due to:

  • Ovarian stimulation
  • The risk of multiple pregnancy
  • The risks associated with ovam collection
  • The possibility of ectopic pregnancy

In addition,to complications that arise from IVF treatments, there are serious errors or near miss including loss of embryos, sperm or egg. In some cases, the failur was due to wrong sperm injecte into an ovam, or the embryos were destroyed accidentally by lab attendent, or even implanted into another female. But these mistakes are extremely rare, they cause unbelievable heartache and mental distress to couples longing for a baby.


About two weeks after the embryo transfer, a blood or urine test that indicate pregnancy, is done. These days are often the hardest part of an IVF cycle for the couple, because of the uncertain and mental distress of waiting to find out if a pregnancy has occurred. This can be investigate by a blood test, which recognises the level of the hormone, HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin only 10 to 14 days after the transfer. For many couples, these 14 days are generally the lengthened days of their life. A positive beta HCG level of more than 10 miU/ml means pregnancy is done, and the doctor will then continuously fuide the couple to be fit and healthy. An ultrasound is done to watch out after 3 to 4 weeks after confirm pregnancy.


The chance of a concerning couple of having a baby following one completed cycle of IVF treatment depends on two main factors.

The percentage of success rate of the treatment clinic or hospital.
The characteristics of couple seeking treatment.

Total 27 percent of IVF therapy will complete in a live birth and the acumulative chances of success are higher when more than one cycle of IVF is done. However, an individual's chance of success depends on some factors such as:

  • The female's age, 
  • Infertility reasons, 
  • Storage of donated ovam,  
  • Sperm or embryos of the donor, 
  • Number of embryos transferred, 
  • Duration of infertility, 
  • Number of previous IVF treatment cycles previous pregnancy and live birth
  • The presence of hydrosalpinges
  • FSH and LH levels (ovarian reserve)
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Lifestyle
  • Smoking and emotional distress

The overall live birth rate per treatment cycle is rising steadily by approximately 1% a year. Each age group has experienced significant increases in success rates.

Maximizing Chances For Success after IVF

  • Avoid unnecessary medications especially in women.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol etc.
  • Avoid beverages contains a high amount of caffeine.
  • Do not use hot tub bath and the saunas.
  • Eat only balanced diet during ivf process.
  • In case of any health related problem such as fever, colds, cough etc immediately visit your doctor.
  • Any type of drug interaction or adverse effects, immediately report your doctor.


If female don't get pregnant after your IVF attempt, she would likely to be very disappointed and disheartened. However, remember that this is not the end. It's just the start. At the end of the IVF cycle, you discuss with your doctor the reasons for failed ivf cycle.

  • Was the ovarian response good?
  • Was the endometrium receptive?
  • Did fertilisation occur?
  • Was the embryo transfer easily?
  • Why didn't pregnancy occur?
  • Can you repeat the same treatment, or do you need to make changes before going in for your next attempt?
  • When can you go in for your next IVF cycle?

And even if couple do not get pregnant, at least the fact that they attempted IVF should give peace of mind that they tried your best, using the latest technology medical science has to offer.

Many Asian countries including India, Thailand, Singapore, Pakistan and Indonesia offer very good packages and clearly comes out as the cheapest markets  on IVF treatment and IVF cost. Clinics in these countries have the benefit of a vast amount of experience and become a rising market of IVF.  They have excellent statestics in the world to have a successful pregnancy with IVF. Many western and Arab couples also visit Asia countries for IVF as well as including tourism.

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