Oligospermia: A complete cure for Low sperm count


    In this problem the semen you ejaculate during an intercourse contains fewer sperm than normal. Within the medical terms, it's referred to as oligospermia while an entire absence of sperm is named azoospermia.

    If you have got less than 15 million sperm per ml of your semen, it will consider oligospermia. We also call it LOW SPERM COUNT. Low sperm count or oligospermia is a sexual disease that decreases the possibility that your sperm will fertilize your female partner's egg.

    The generation of sperm may be a complex prepare and requires ordinary working of the testicles moreover since the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, organs in your brain that create hormones that trigger sperm generation. As sperm makes inside the gonads, semenal tubes transport them until they blend with semen and are determine out of the penis. Issues with any of those frameworks can influence sperm generation. Too, there are frequently issues of unusual sperm shape (morphology), development (motility) or work.

    Oligospermia: A complete cure for Low sperm count


    Low sperm count or oligospermia caused by variety of health issues and medical treatments. A number of these include:


    Varicoceles end in reduced quality of the sperm. It is a particular kind of swelling of the veins that drain the testes. However, the good thing is that varicoceles are reversible. Millions of men are recovered from infertility caused by varicoceles.
    Although the absolute causes of varicocel infertility is still unknown, varicocel can be combine with abnormal testicular temperature regulation.


    Most of infections can interfere with sperm production e.g epididymitis, orchitis and a few sexually transmitted infections (STD) including gonorrhea and HIV. Infections sometimes may cause a permanent testicular. Although some infections may result in permanent testicular disservice.

    Ejaculation problems

    Ejaculatory disfunctions takes place if semen comes in bladder during orgasm rather than coming out of the way of the penis. Different types of health issues  causes lack of ejaculation of semen, including spinal injuries, prostatic hypertrophy, diabetes, and surgery of the bladder, prostate or urethra.

    Certain medications

    Medicationes can also create oligospermia and other ejaculatory problems, like vital sign medications referred to as alpha blockers. Some ejaculatory disfunctions are often cureable, while some are irreversible.

    A type of Antibodies are also harmful for sperms. These antibodies are  immune cells who identify mistakenly sperms as dangerous invaders and began to kill sperms.

    The following medicines can effect or impair sperm production which may cause male infertility.

    • Anti-fungal medicines
    • Anti biotic medicines
    • Cancer medications
    • Testosterone replacement therapy
    • Anabolic steroids
    • Ulcer medications

    Hormone imbalances

    Hormones are produced in hypothalamus, pituitary glands and testes. Abnormality in these hormones, also as from other systems like the thyroid and adrenal, may reduce sperm production. Many ducts and tubes carry sperm. They will be blocked thanks to various causes, including inadvertent injury from surgery, prior infections, trauma or abnormal development, like with CF or similar inherited conditions. Blockage can occur at any level such as in the testicle, inside tubes that drain the testicle, within the epididymis, within the ductus deferens, near the ejaculatory ducts or within the urethra.

    Celiac disease

    Digestive diseases caused by sensitivity to gluten, these diseases can cause oligospermia and male infertility. Fertility may ameliorate after appropriate diet.

    Prior surgeries

    Surgeries like hernia, scrotal surgery or testicular and prostate surgeries causes blockage of sperm directly from the epididymis and testicles. Sometimes these changes are reversible but often it's possible that the treatment cannot fully assured to retreat.

    Some other causes are belong to the environment for instance the drivers assail engine and therefore the heat of the engine is absorbe in there testes. it's going to causes oligospermia and male erecticle dysfunction. Here may be a another list.

    • Working on a laptop pc for while also might increase the temperature in your scrotum and slightly reduce sperm production.
    • Chemicals e.g benzenes, toluene, xylene, herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, painting materials and lead.
    • Heavy metal exposure.
    • Radiation of X-rays, MRI, C.T scan and other machines.
    • Wearing of tight clothes
    • Use of Alcohol 
    • Use of tobacco and narcotics
    • Emotional stress
    • Obesity



    Damiana works as a tonic on male and feminine gentiles. It helps to get rid of oligospermia and make sperm count better. Damiana make erection  better.


    Agnus Castus may be a remarkable homoeopathic medicine for oligospermia with diminished sexual powers. Genitals are cold shrivelled and relaxed because there is no power or ability to achieve erections. Dislike and disfavour to sex is additionally there.


    If desire for sex is present but lacks of  physical power to possess sex, it's the time to prescribe Caladium.  Low sperm count and erecticle dysfunction thanks to mental upset or tobacco abuse.


    The main symptoms of Cobaltum are:

    • Pain or aches in lumber region and legs feel and sees weak.
    • Brown spots at the abdomen and genitals.
    • ejaculation without or with weak erection.

    SELENIUM 3X, 30, 200

    Remember selenium if the subsequent symptoms are presented.

    • Semen is thick, colourless and odourless.
    • Oligospermia with diminished sexual power.
    • Involuntary seminal emissions in the dark, at the time of urination and spending stools.
    • Sexual desire increased while ability decreased.
    • Involuntary seminal emissions in the dark, during urination or stools.


    If someone have a daily problem of pain in penis and related organs at the time of intercourse, he will get relief with SABAL SERRULATA Q. Other symptoms include the  low sperm count thanks to the wasting (atrophy) of testes. Sabal is additionally prescribed when a male is infertile thanks to prostate enlargement.


    Tribulus ter is capable of restoring semen and sperms e.g semen and sperm both are in low quantity and quality. This is suitable for weak and thin semen and poorer mobility of sperms. All kinds of abnormalities like coiled tails and pairing are heal by the usage of this remedy.


    If this remedy utilized in high potency e.g 1m or Cm, it'll fix the ejaculation disorder instantly. The titanium is also effective in  general debility and all sorts of sexual weakness. The leading symptom is lumbgo while patient facing  low sperm count, male infertility or sexual weakness.


    The Homoeopathic remedy X-ray is making within the front of x rays in the x ray labs. It has the power of accelerating sperm production. So, this remedy works better within the male infertility. X-ray also helps to raise the population and health of sperms. 30 potency considered as best.

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