Milk Allergy


    Milk allergy may be a sort of allergy and is mostly affect the children. This is an over reaction in fact, against of protein part of milk or milk made products. In children who are allergic to exploit, the system recognizes the protein within the milk as a harmful foreign substance and starts an immune response to fight against it. Symptoms in milk allergy are not same in every one and varies from person to person. If you own Homeopathic medicines to fix  milk allergy. Than, after a properiate treatment the system is moderated, the intensity and severity of the symptoms get reduced.

    Remember, breast milk is far preferred over cow’s milk for infants so as to avoid milk allergy in infants during a family whose members have allergies.  Cow’s milk contains the protein beta-lactoglobulin, which can trigger an allergy, while breatsmilk doesn't.


    The recation in milk allergy appear immediately as milk or milk products consumed by the patient, symptoms occur within minutes to hours. Symptoms in milk allergy can be different each time in the same person or may slightly different but often not occur same or in same sequence. The instantly described and common symptoms are:

    • Sneezing
    • Swelling
    • Vomiting 
    • Hives
    • Etc.

    Many of the recational symptoms take time to develop or appear in milk allergy. These late  symptoms are:

    • Loose motion/diarrhoea 
    • Colic or spasm
    • Cramps in the abdomen
    • Skin rash
    • Runny nose
    • Watery eyes

    Sometimes milk allergy can cause severe reaction referred to as anaphylaxis where the airways become narrow and breathing hardly arises, causing the body to travel into shock. Milk allergy cannot consider as a life-threatening condition, however it may be highly harmful in infants.


    Natrum Carb, Magnesia Muriatica, and Apis Mellifica are widely used homeopathic remedies for treating milk allergies.

    Milk allergy usually begins from cow milk, but goat and sheep' s milk also consider responsible for milk allergy. Primary reason is the presence of protein alpha S1-casein in milk. Alpha S1-casein aidless immune system to react against it and this reaction brings ATOPIC DERMATITIS.


    The natural Homeopathic medicines are best ones to heal allergic diseases inclining milk allergy. Selection of remedy depends on symptoms of individual that appear during in  patient from consuming milk or milk products. Some of homeopathic remedies that are usually prescribed for milk allergy are:

    • Natrum Carb
    • Magnesia Muriatica
    • Apis Mellifica
    • Calcarea Carb
    • Aethusa cynapium 
    • Pulsatilla

    Milk allergy is a complicated disorder. So, do not try self-medication. The best way is to consult with Homeopathic physician.


    Key symptom for Natrum Carb is diarrhoea after consuming milk or milk products.
    • Stools are gushing and yellow coloured
    • Smell is much sour
    • Blood also seen in stool but sometimes
    • Flatulency is another key symptom 
    • Urgency to pass stools
    • Abdominal pain 


    The key symptom for Magnesia Muriatica is  passing indigested milk. Thus type of milk allergy is due liver affections.
    • Stomach pain after milk intake, abdomen is tensed and sensitive to touch.
    • Flatulency and vomiting 
    • Indigestion of babies during teething period including the milk indigestion.


    The key symtom of Apis mel is hives with burning and stinging feelings. Face especially eyes become swollen. All types of symptoms worse by warm and relax by cold and cold applications. Hives over skin looks red and sensetive to touch. Mouth looks dry even lips but thirst is absent.


    Calcarea Carb is a famous remedy for milk allergies in children as will as in adults. Feel nausea and vomit after some time when drink milk. Trembling, sputum comes out during vomiting. Sensetive from cold and cold meals including cold milk. Feel that his  stomach is cold.


    Aethusa is indicated to the small babies who facing the life threatening cholera. These children usually have no any food without milk but when they consume milk, they vomit. Now include diarrhoea, this is a complete drug picture of Aethusa.
    • Any type of milk or milk products intolerable
    • After consuming milk, vomiting occur immediately including sort of curd.
    • Diarrhoea green or yellow
    • Weakness, looks sleepy


    Pulsatilla is good for children and adults along with the following symptoms.

    • Any milk-made product like pastries, butter, curd and milk brought reaction
    • Flatulency 
    • Diarrhoea with cutting pain inside the abdomen.
    • Abdominal colic 
    • Worse when sitting in rooms, warmth and hot applications.

    Pulsatilla Nigria offers a homeopathic cure for milk allergy when consumption of milk products triggers a reaction.  .  Other attending symptoms include the feeling of a weight within the stomach, along side nausea and vomiting.

    The following medicines also can utilized in milk allergy consistent with their symptoms.

    • Calcaria Sulph
    • China
    • Conium mac
    • Lac Daf
    • Acid nitricum
    • Sepia
    • Staphisagria
    • Sulphur
    • Tuberculinum
    • Alumina
    • Ambra Gresia
    • Antum Crude
    • Argentum Met
    • Argentum nit
    • Cuprum Met
    • Carbo Veg
    • Chamomilla
    • Cheledonium
    • Kali Carb
    • Kali Iodatum
    • Lycopodium
    • Natrum Mur
    • Natrum Phos
    • Natrum Sulph
    • Nux vomica
    • Phosphorous
    • Psorinum
    • Zincum Met

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