Arthritis Causes and treatment


Arthritis is a disorder inflicting painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. It is the problem related to joints including all the small and big joints. It can have an effect on any human beings no matter gender and age. However, people more than 45 years are more susceptible for arthritis.


    There are more than 100 types of arthritis and causes are different for each type. However, in all sorts cartilage degradation is seen. Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue in joints. They are responsible for absorbing the pressure when you move. If cartilage damaged or degraded,  it will be lead to arthritis.
    Arthritis Causes and treatment

    In the case of osteoarthritis, the hyper activities of immunity system is responsible. While over intake of alcohol, sea food and meat can cause gout. Obesity, family history and accidents may also lead to arthritis. If germs reach in joints, they cause infection and inflammation. Medicines may also causes arthritis.


    Do you know? Arthritis have more than 100 types but some of them are very common and we see these types in all societies and every part of the world. These types are

    • Osteoarthritis 
    • Degenerative arthritis 
    • Rheumatoid arthritis 
    • Gout
    • Psoriatic arthritis 
    • Pseudo arthritis 
    • Septic arthritis 
    • Stills disease 
    • Reactive arthritis 
    • Ankylosing spondylitis 
    • Cervical spondylitis 
    • Fibromyalgia 
    • Etc.

    Among all sorts of arthritis, the Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Gout are the most common worldwide. But each have exclusive etiological factor.


    Osteoarthritis is more common than other types of arthritis. It typically occurs with age, however it could additionally come from joint accidents or obesity, which places more strain for your joints. Osteoarthritis affects the joints which bear our body weight such as knees, hips, feet, and spine. They are the maximum common joints osteoarthritis influences. The symptoms of osteoarthritis comes slowly and in a regular pattern not appear in days and weeks but in months even in years. Against the other types of arthritis, the patient of osteoarthritis do not sense ill or have the fatigue but it affect the joints hurt.

    Pattern  and symptoms of osteoarthritis

    Cartilage break downs due to pressure of extra weight, accidents or germs. Cartilage work as a cushion and save joints from frection. If it damages, inflammation and swelling occur in joints which causes pain and stiffness. This type of arthritis known as Osteoarthritis.

    The broken cartilage makes motion painful. You might also additionally pay attention a grating sound while the roughened cartilage at the floor of the bones rubs together. You might also additionally get painful spurs or bumps at the stop of the bones, in particular on arms and feet. The joint lining can get inflamed, however it is now no longer not unusualplace with osteoarthritis. Symptoms rely on which joint or joints are affected. You might also additionally have:

    • Morning stiffness that commonly lasts much less than 30 minutes Pain while walking.
    • Stiffness after resting.
    • Joints might warm, swollen and inflexible when move.
    • Unable to move through a full range of motion
    • Deep, aching pain when hiking stairs, long walk, bending over or any activity in which joints involved.


    Rheumatoid arthritis also known as RA is the disease of autoimmune system. This type of arthritis usually takes place in small joints. If the immune system assault on some body parts, in particular the joints. That ends in inflammation, that can purpose excessive joint harm in case you do not properly look after it. About 1 out of each five human beings who've rheumatoid arthritis get lumps on their pores and skin known as rheumatoid nodules. These regularly shape over joint regions that obtain strain, including over knuckles, elbows, or heels.

    Arthritis Causes and treatment


    Our scientists do not know exactly what reasons rheumatoid arthritis. Some physicians consider the immune system becomes "upset" after an contamination with a microorganism including bacteria and virus and begins to assault your joints. This struggle can spread to different regions of the body.

    In the latest research another team find that the body's chemical substances which can be associated with inflammation, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1, cause different elements of the immune system in rheumatoid arthritis. Medicines that block TNF, interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 can enhance the signs and symptoms and save you joint harm.


    Symptoms can come on suddenly and are regularly extra excessive than with osteoarthritis.

    The indications include:
    • Pain and stiffness as will as swelling in the joints especially in joints of upper body such as wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, feet, jaw, and neck.

    RA typically influences a couple of joints. Usually, they are small joints and spread in symmetrical pattern. For example, the knuckles for your right hand inflamed, the knuckles for your left hand in all likelihood might be as well. After a few days, you can be aware of your joints feel warm and to be painful or swollen. Like osteoarthritis, stiffness in morning remains for hours or even most of the day. You may additionally sense fatigued and be aware that your urge for food is down and you have loss your weight.


    RA factor is a lab test give confirmation of Rheumatoid arthritis. 


    Gout is more different from other types of arthritis. It is more sever than rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis but good thing is that we have a variety of medicines to treat gout. It is caused by a chemical named uric acid or urate found in the blood. In our normal routine, uric acid pass out through urine and faeces. Sometimes the blood builds up uric acid in high amounts. This extra amount stored in joints in the shape of crystals which causes inflammation and pain in joints. We call it gout attack.


    Accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints is the main reason of gout.

    • Inheritance and family history.
    • Intake of too much alcohol.
    • Eating too much meat and sea foods.
    • High blood pressure. 
    • Kidney and heart problems.
    • Diseases related to bone marrow.
    • Obesity 
    • Enzymatic imbalance e.g HGPRT and G6PD

    Arthritis Causes and treatment


    In the physical checkup, you doctor will check tenderness, swelling, redness and warmth.  For Synovial fluid analysis, fluid is taken from joints and examine under microscope. If uric acid crystals present, the gout will be confirmed. X-ray, Musculoskeletal ultrasound, ESR, urine r/e are some other lab inquires. 


    Psoriasis is chronic skin disease. If psoriasis effect the joints, it will be psoriatic arthritis. The indications of psoriatic arthritis are:

    • Inflammed and swellon joints.
    • Stiffness after resting which ameliorate after walk. 
    • Deep aching pain.
    • Usually influences on the joints of elbow and knees.


    This type of arthritis belong to spine. Inflammation in the bones, ligaments and muscles of spine which causes stiffness, fusing of joints and pain. Ankylosing spondylitis additionally effect the swelling of tendons and large joints.


    Cervical spondylitis is the disease belong to neck joints. It us also known as degenerative spondylitis. It leads pain, stiffness and sometimes inflammation.


    Pain and stiffness in all muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body is called fibromyalgia.



    This biochemic salt consider excellent for  ostearthritis. Calcarea flour provide calcium for bones which make them strong as will as it heal steffness. Calcarea flour also have the ability to fix defective bony growth. It can also heal ulcerated bones and any type of fistula. The pain in calcaria flour patients usually worse in cold and better in warmth. Use in 6x to 200 potency. 6x tablets can also be given as auxiliary medicine.


    All types of pain if worse with touch then think about colchicum. Joints feel warm and much stiffness in them. Pain mostly occur in ankle, wrist, toes and especially in fingers. Pain worse at night. If finger joints are highly affected from arthritis, then also think about this remedy. Colchicum is consider best in gout.


    Formation of nodes upon the joints is the key symptom of lithium Carb. Small joints are usually affected from arthritis. In the small joints, pain, swelling and tenderness takes place. Ameliorate with massages of hot applications.


    Arthritis of damp cold weather get releif with this remedy.


    Bryonia is mostly prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis. In all types it will be curative if the following symptoms are noted in patient.

    • Aggravation in pain due to movement including a very slight movement such as touch or pressure.
    • The pain is cutting and sharp in nature.
    • Muscles are very sore and stiffed.


    The key symtom of Rhus tox is amelioration with motion. If you do not tolerate cold air and your pain is aggravated in damp or cold weather, this is a guideline to rhus tox.

    • Pain relieves by warm and hot applications.
    • Get relief from continued motion but first steps of movement are very harden e.g stiffness and soreness increases when start moving but after continuous motion pain decreases.
    • Rhus tox heal pain in the deep muscles of the back. So, good for spondylitis and herniated disk slips.
    • Along with Arnica, fix the sprains, wrenches and fibrous tissues pain. 


    Stiffness and pain in joints especially in joints of fingers. Heal the damaged cartilages. Problems in wrist joints.


    A patient of arthritis whose pains are move from joint to another may want homoeopathic medicine caulophyllum. For example, he or she has pain in a finger joint and this pain shifts into another finger joint, this is case of caulophyllum. Small joints are mostly affected from arthritis. Pain travel along with femur bone.


    If the pain and stiffness aggravate with damp and cold weather or the arthritis takes place because of suppression of perspiration. Dulacamara will be curative.


    Calcarea phos make bones strong and healthy. If your bones are soft and fragile, you may get relief with Calcarea phos. It concentrate calcium into fragile bones and make them strong. Just use 4 tabs 4 time daily of 6x or 12x potency and will get relief within a few days. Additionally, this biochemic medicine have good effects on fractured bones. Use as auxiliary medicine during osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical spondylitis, fractured and fragile bones etc.


    If arthritis occures due to injury, accidents and fracture. 

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